This Elderly Couple Finally Marry After Waiting 70 Years Due To Being Banned From Church
Oct 05, 2018 by apost team
This 90-year-old man, Edward, and his 89-year-old wife, Lena, have been together for 70 years. They were never able to be married in a church until earlier this year - but why?
Although the dream of getting married isn't as popular as it was 65 years ago, a majority of Americans still strive to get married.
After all, it is a part of most United States citizens' versions of the sought-after "American dream."
Speaking of 65 years ago - check this heart-warming story out. If you don't blush, you're totally a robot! But don't worry, I won't tell anybody.
A couple, Edward and Lena, first started dating each other in secondary school. From that point onwards, the sweethearts have remained in love.
Both Lena and Edward were - and still are - Christians. However, Edward was raised as a Catholic, whereas Lena was a Congregationalist. The two sects, even though they both fell under the umbrella of Christianity, by far the world's largest religion, didn't allow their followers to marry one another.
Unfortunately, Lena and Edward longed to get married.
But wait - they did get married!
Though the couple couldn't get married in either one of their denomination's churches, a Catholic priest was willing to consummate the marriage at his rectory. A rectory, by the way, is the same thing as a clergy house, the home paid for by a priest's followers.
Over the past 70-odd years, Lena and Edward have lived happily, closely together throughout the entirety of their marriage.
Even today they report feeling butterflies for one another as if they just yesterday got married! Isn't that just adorable?
The Gouins were fortunate enough to have three kids who begat eight grandkids and - so far - three great-grandkids.
Edward and Lens always wanted to have a traditional wedding ceremony held in a church, though
Just a few months ago, 90-year-old Edward Gouin and his 89-year-old wife Lena had their vows renewed at Edward's church of choice - his local Catholic church.
They were fortunate enough to have their dream wedding!
All of the Gouins' children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren were present at the ceremony to revel in the glory of what their elders had longed for their entire lives.
During a recent interview, a journalist asked Lena Gouin - keep in mind that she's 89 years of age - what the pair's secret was for staying together so long.
Believe it or not, when she explained the reasoning behind why they had been together for upwards of seven decades, Ms. Lena said, "[because] I don't wear my hearing aid!"
What do you think about this sweet love story? I know what I think about t - it's one of the sweetest things I've ever heard! Do you know any couple that has been together as long as Edward and Lena Gouin?