This Curvy Woman Gets Real About Being Married To A Fit Man - Her Response To Body Shaming Will Inspire You

May 22, 2018 by apost team

Jenna Kutcher is a beautiful 29-year-old photographer. She quite often uploads sweet and sappy pictures of both herself and her husband, Drew, on Instagram. While most reactions are positive ones, there was one hater who commented with a thought that Kutcher just couldn’t ignore.

What was the comment? Well, according to Kutcher, a stranger took it upon themselves to DM her about a picture she posted of her and her husband kissing on a beach in Hawaii. They told her that they were surprised she had managed to snag a guy who is as good-looking as her husband. Kutcher was honestly taken aback by the comment.

Kutcher stated that a lot of her insecurities have stemmed from the fact her husband is so extremely fit. She sometimes feels that she, as a curvy woman, doesn’t deserve him because she isn’t thin.

However, she goes on to say that her husband Drew has always embraced every part of her, perfect or not. He reminds her all the time that she is beautiful, regardless of what her inner dialogue says to her. She writes that while her thighs may “kiss” and her arms are bigger, she chose to be with a man who could accept her for who she is.

After all, Kutcher concluded, we are ALL so much more than our body types.


Kutcher shared with Yahoo! Lifestyle the fact that she dealt with two miscarriages just last year. She stated that she struggled deeply to “come home” to her body after the miscarriages. She also sees Drew as the most handsome guy in the world and loves him for who he is.

Her readers agreed with her sentiments. Her picture had over 2,000 comments and 44,000 likes. So many women chimed in to say how gorgeous and stunning she looks, no matter what her weight is.

Have you dealt with these types of comment before? Let us know your story and show this inspiring story to your friends to brighten their day!