This 9 Year Old Has The True Answer On The Meaning Of Life & The Universe
Jan 02, 2019 by apost team
A 9-year-old boy was asked some questions about life and the universe in general. His response will surprise you. Here are the questions and his responses.
What Is the Earth?

He says that the earth is just one of many planets in the universe. He goes ahead to compare this to an aunt in his backyard that doesn't know there is more to its surrounding than just the patios. This is how the human race is. Once they discover the contents of the outer space, they realize that they are just a small part of something big.
Do Other Planets Have Life in Them?

The boy believes that there could be life in other planets. He thinks that some living things have not been discovered yet and could be located in areas that are not easy to access. When asked whether there are multiple universes, he says it's possible, but acknowledges that there is no proof.
What Is the Meaning of Life?

While he admits that this is one of the most difficult questions he's been asked, he goes ahead to give a great answer. He says that the meaning of life is what you decide to do with it. The results will be the meaning of your life. You are the only one who can decide what to do with your life; thus, you give meaning to it. Even if you are not lucky enough to have all the things you need to get to where you want in life, you still have the power to chose what to do with it. The odds may not favor you, but the power to change your life lies in the decisions you make to get it where you want. Life is simply what you make it.
Are Life's Events Pre-destined?

To this, he says that the events may be pre-destined but can be changed. He admits that while he may be wrong, he believes that you might be acting the pre-destined events of your life without knowing it. On the other hand, he says that destiny could be in total control of your life.
The 9-year-old's answers are way beyond his years. If you believe this too, kindly send it to others so they can be inspired. Share your thoughts on this boy's views on life and the universe. He is gifted - and feel free to pass this along to your friends and family!