These Skills Are Something Any Woman At 40 Should Have
Dec 13, 2018 by apost team
Growing older is something a lot of women worry about. At first your anxious about turning 30, then you start worrying about reaching 40. At some point you realize every age has its own benefits. In the following, you will find some pieces of wisdom that will fit almost any woman older than 40 and make growing older a bit easier.
1. Women Aged 40 Or Older Don't Need To Be The Best Anymore!

If you tried to be as sexy as possible when you were younger or to keep your calm at all times, it's often the case that you do the exact opposite once you've hit 40. Finally, you've realized what life is all about. And it's most certainly not about only showing your best side.
2. Knowing When To Shut Up And When To Speak

There are women, and man of course, who like to say what they think. But after a certain point in time, you simply ignore what others say and let them believe their opinion is right. On the other hand, once you've hit 40 your not as likely to be flippant about things. It's time to find the right balance.
3. Praise And Criticism Is Seen As A Chance!

Being criticized is never a nice thing. But once you're 40, you can simply smile and ignore it and sometimes even think quietly whether the criticism might be correct. It's easier to accept criticism, and praise of course, and learn from it.
4. Sex!

Of course you should always say what you like during sex. But after 40, it's become easier to show your partner what you want and not make a secret of it. And why should you? You don't have to be embarrassed about anything, sex should always be fun and satisfying.
5. No More Excuses About Being Yourself!

If somebody has a problem with the way you are, you don't really care anymore once you've turned 40. After all, you don't need to excuse yourself for the way you are. Pretending doesn't make anybody like you.
6. No False Shame!

Every young woman knows this. You have an appointment for the gynecologist so you take a long shower and shave everywhere. After 40, most don't care as much about this.
It doesn't matter if you have cellulitis or a varicose vein here or there. You start accepting yourself the way you are and there's no need to be ashamed about it.
7. Nothing Lasts Forever!

This is a lesson we all learn early on in life. We should never take anything for granted. No matter whether it's our health or the partner at our side.
8. Love Is Hard Work!

Every relationship needs some work, but love especially has to be nurtured. After 40 however, you realize that true love should be able to take a hit or two, without needing to doubt it.
9. Small Things Can Change Your Life!

Once they've reached 40, many people realize that love can't be planned and just happens without our influence. Your life can be completely turned upside down in a matter of seconds and now we know this.
10. Sometimes We're There, Sometimes We Aren't!

Of course we're there when we're needed but once we realize that we are not needed anymore, we know how stay in the background. The good thing is: It can be very nice not to be there from time to time.
11. The World Keeps Turning! - Even Without Us!

And the final piece of wisdom is this: Over the years, you relax and don't take as much personally. Whether it's the slightly grumpy waiter or the neighbor who doesn't greet us. It doesn't have to be about us after all.
Share this article with your friends to show them that they shouldn't fear turning 40. Those years can be quite relaxing.