These Safe, Simple Exercises Will Help You Slim Down Your Post-Pregnancy Belly

Jul 17, 2018 by apost team

Several women find it difficult to get back their pre-pregnancy slim stomach and smaller waistline after giving birth. Your stomach is a part of the body that needs extra attention after giving birth. That area could be damaged with diastasis, a common post-pregnancy condition that occurs when the gap between your left and right belly muscles has widened.

We have created a list of ten simple exercises that can help you get your stomach in the perfect shape without causing damage to other parts of the body. All you will need to practice these exercises at home is a solid floor and mat.

1. Leg Lifts

Leg lifts can help you strengthen your lower back and abdominal muscles. Lie down flat on your back with your arms at your side. Gradually lift up your legs, keeping them connected, about 10 inches off of the ground. Your head should remain on the floor at all times.

Start with 5-10 reps. Once you have mastered ten reps, add two reps every day you work out.

2. The Bicycle

You want to use the same starting position as the first exercise. Lay flat on your back with your arms at your sides. Start by bending your legs so that your knees sit almost directly above your chest. Casually straighten out one leg and lower it so that it rests about halfway between the starting position and the floor. Finally, return the leg to its starting position where the knee is positioned almost directly above the chest. Repeat this circle motion five times and then try the other leg.

3. Waist Crunch

Continue lying on the floor with your arms by your side and hands touching the ground. Raise your legs, keeping them straight, so that your body makes a 90-degree angle with the floor. Pull up your head and shoulders a few inches off of the ground and hold that position for a few seconds. Finally, lie back down, take a few deep breaths, and then repeat the position nine more times.

You can add 5-10 more reps as you see fit.

4. Reverse Crunches

Lay down flat on your back with your arms bent, knees bent, and use your palms to support your head. With your feet on the floor, slowly lift up your knees so they are directly above your waist. Hold that position for a few seconds and then slowly reconnect your feet with the floor.

Start with ten reps and add five each week your workout.

5. Bicycle Crunch

Bend your legs so that your calves run parallel to the floor. Bend your elbows and place your hands behind your neck. Start by moving your right elbow and your right knee towards each other until they touch. Then move your left elbow towards your left knee until they connect. Continue working each arm and leg for ten reps. You may count one rep after each elbow and knee touch.

Your elbow and knee do you need to touch if you do not feel strong enough. Try and get them as close to touching as possible.

6. Fit ball crunches

This exercise requires a fitness ball. Lie down on the fitness ball with your feet connected and on the floor, knees bent, and elbows bent. Slowly lift your head and chest.

Start with three sets of 5 sit-ups each.

7. Magic Tree

Use the same starting position as stated in exercise #6. Now, when completing a sit-up, keep your hands straight above your head like an arrow. Start with three sets of 5 sit-ups each. Over time add five more sit-ups to each set.

8. Warrior Stance

For this exercise, you will need to stand up. Spread your feet so that they are wider than your shoulders. Your right leg should form a 90-degree angle, while your left leg extends outwards.

Rest your right elbow on your right knee and lift your left arm so that your left elbow rests on your left ear. Hold that position for a few seconds and then switch.

9. Awkard Airplane

Get down as if you were about to do a pushup. Lift one leg into the air so that it runs parallel to the ground. Simultaneously, extend your opposite arm forward. Hold this position for a few seconds and then switch to the other arm and leg.

Try and do five reps each day.

10. Sea Turtle

Roll over onto your belly. Raise your arms behind your head so that your elbows are facing upwards. Then raise your head, chest, and legs. Hold this position for a few seconds, and then repeat 4-6 times.

Did these exercises help you diminish your post-pregnancy belly? Which exercise is your favorite? Remember to send this article to your friends, so they are all aware of the best exercises to shrink their waistline after pregnancy.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!