These Parents Were Astonished As Their 2-Year- Old Drummed On The Table
Jul 23, 2018 by apost team
We often hear about child musical prodigies in the world today. How many times have we heard of a 5-year-old who could play a difficult classical piece on the piano?
It isn’t often that we hear about an amazing 2-year-old kid that can give Ringo Starr a little bit of competition!
People all over the internet are going crazy over an adorable little boy jamming out on the table with his drumsticks. In the background, a guitarist plays while his mother sings.
Who is the amazing drummer? He is 2-year-old Leonard Lennox Noble, and he found himself in the spotlight after an Instagram video went viral. His mom and he were even invited to appear on the CBS Evening News!
Lennox is shown drumming improvised beats to accompany a song that his mom’s band composed, called “I Can.” What was so amazing was that the little boy was completely in sync with his mom singing and the guitarist playing!
His mother, Shintara, has her own band. His father, Herman Noble, is a rapper. You can see where he got his talent from! Wouldn’t it be amazing to hear them all play together?
Shintara says that Lennox started drumming with improvised drumsticks when he was only 2-years-old.
Shintara created a new YouTube channel just for her little drummer boy. It is called Life of Lennox and showcases his amazing talent to the world. You will love all of their other videos!
She also created an Instagram account in order to chronicle his musical progress. Facebook pages picked up the video from her account within minutes. It quickly went viral! Now everyone knows about Lennox and his talent!
A fan of the little boy decided to gift him with his very own real drum set after seeing him “drum” the table. What an angel! Now nothing will stop Lennox from becoming the star he is meant to be.
He has already been given the opportunity to play at the concert of Chris Tomlin. How amazing is that for a kid who isn’t even in kindergarten yet!
Did you love Lennox’s story? Tell us about it on our website! Don’t forget to spread this story along to others who would love to hear him play!