These Are The Top 5 Regrets People Reveal On Their Deathbeds, According To A Nurse

Sep 28, 2018 by apost team

An innovative nurse devoted her time to record the regrets of people who were close to death. There were 5 regrets that most people said they experienced in their life. Learn what steps you can take to avoid feeling the pain that most people feel before they pass away.

Don’t End Your Life In Sorrow

Below is an interpretation of those last regrets that she found to have the most impact in her book entitled “The Top Five Regrets Of The Dying”. Keep in mind that you have the power to set things right today no matter what your experiences are. You don’t have to live in the past, or base your life on what could have been.

Use the events in your life to overcome your circumstances. You are bigger than the problems that come your way. The key to avoiding regrets is by seeing your troubles for what they are, but not worse than they are. You need to accept those things you cannot change, and look forward to the future. People often spend their time dwelling on the worst experiences they’ve endured, but you shouldn't let that define who you are. Your actions are what matter. Take a stand and gain control over the circumstances and don’t neglect to be the person you choose to be.

1. I Regret That I Lived By The Standards Of Those Around Me, Rather Than Being True To Myself

This is probably the most typical response when someone is facing death. We often sacrifice our dreams and goals in order to gain the respect of others. It could be social norms or simply a herd mentality that drives a person into becoming something that they never wanted to be.

People often take health for granted when they don’t have anything to worry about. It’s easy to see what you’ve missed out on when the end is near. Be true to yourself and don’t let the worries of this world smother your individuality. It may not always be easy to take your own path in life, but you certainly won’t regret giving your best shot at all of your aspirations.

2. I Regret Wasting My Life Working

This is a common regret of men. They usually say that they’ve felt terrible for spending time working instead of enjoying events in the lives of their children. Missing their child’s first steps or special occasions due to work seems to be the biggest regrets men experience.

It’s great to let your career drive you, but take time to enjoy the small things. Have a job where you enjoy what you do and don’t have to give up the very moments that you are slaving so hard to create. Seriously consider what’s most important to you whether it’s your family or your hobbies. Don’t let life pass you by while you trade your precious time for money.

3. I Regret That I Didn’t Share My Feelings Trade

Many people regret that they weren’t open and honest with how they feel. It’s usually rooted in suppressing negative feelings. It can seem a lot easier to go through life avoid trouble and being liked by everyone. That’s not likely to bring fulfillment to you though. What’s the point in living if all you want is be loved by everyone while hiding your real emotions inside?

You can sum this regret up as a fear of rejection. It’s basically the result of being afraid what other people might think about you. Don’t spend your days hiding your opinion, then realizing it wasn’t worth the pain you felt by bottling everything up inside. Be careful what you focus on and don’t be afraid to fail.

4. I Regret Losing Contact With My Friends

When your life is coming to an end it can be very easy to become sentimental about old friends. Many people in their old-age become closed off and don’t enjoy the company of those special individuals who gave them a priceless friendship in their best years.

It’s not hard to lose track of friends when you feel like you’ve got time to spare. Take a look at how often you interact with those close to you. It’s never too late to reach out and get back in touch with the ones you care about most. Maybe it won't be convenient for you to forgive certain mistakes, but it will definitely be much tougher to go out knowing you could have given your loved ones the companionship that you wanted to give them.

5. I Regret That I Didn’t Let Myself Be Happy

This regret is particularly linked to getting stuck in your habits. Our day-to-day routine can rob us of the childlike wonder and playfulness that happiness is born from. Most people didn’t realize that their happiness was a choice, rather than an outcome.

Don’t waste all of your energy on being comfortable. Being afraid of making a change can lead to an unhappy quality of living. Learn to laugh and do those things that bring you joy. You’ll find it very beneficial when the curtains close on your legacy.

Do You Feel Regret?

What do you feel regretful about today? Let your loved ones know how to live their lives to the fullest with these helpful observations.