These Are The Most Intelligent Zodiac Signs
Oct 16, 2018 by apost team
Anyone on this list does not have to take an IQ test. Astrologers are convinced that these people are more intelligent than the other signs of the zodiac.
Congratulations to all people who belong to the zodiac signs Aquarius or Scorpio. According to astrologers, they have a kind of innate intelligence. Aquarians show a particularly high analytical intelligence, which is the product of their cognitive abilities as well as their high IQ. Scorpions, on the other hand, can understand and grasp the world in an innate way. What both signs have in common, however, is their extraordinary intelligence . For example, they can show off in exam situations and understand problems immediately. In addition, they can have a suitable solution strategy ready in a moment. The Aquarius can also summarize and explain large amounts of data in a graph. It is also easy for them to store important facts in their long-term memory and retrieve them when needed. This makes this zodiac sign the perfect statistician or analyst.
However, in exchange, Aquarians have to cut back on their emotional intelligence. Scorpions, however, are particularly good at classifying events and are able to assess situations from a realistic point of view. Thus they immediately see through hidden thoughts and false motives of other people and develop a counter-strategy. In the field of philosophy, Scorpions therefore have great advantages starting at birth.
Emotional Intelligence
However, this doesn't mean that all other signs of the zodiac aren't intelligent. Rather, Libra and Gemini have considerable mental intelligence, as astrologer Neil Crabtree notes. Cancer and Pisces are characterized by their emotional intelligence, thanks to which they can interpret and recognize the feelings of their fellow human beings particularly well. They are also particularly good at putting themselves in other people's shoes and responding to them. These signs of the zodiac are the best friends you could ever wish for. They also match the desired profile of social professions to the T.
Emotional intelligence describes the ability to accurately perceive one's own feelings, but also those of others, and then to influence them on the basis of a better understanding.
Practical Intelligence
Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn show an especially high practical intelligence. This means the ability to cope with mental challenges happening in everyday life. Especially the Capricorns are considered pragmatic and can find a solution to every situation, no matter how unfortunate or troublesome.
Leos and Aries, the so-called fire signs, have an excellent intuition and are quite willing to take risks. These qualities make them the perfect candidates for management positions, as they can also act extremely independently.
And the other signs of the zodiac?
Don't worry: If your zodiac sign doesn't appear in this article, it doesn't mean you're any less intelligent. Instead, each sign of the zodiac has a certain intelligence in its own way. And even leading astrologers disagree about some of the properties of the signs of the zodiac. If, however, you feel as if this affirms something you've always thought, this may not be coincidence.
Tell your friends about this article so that they can also find out what kind of intelligence their strong point is.