These Are The 6 Most Important Ways Trusting Your Intuition Can Help You Avoid Negativity

Jun 14, 2018 by apost team

Intuition is one of those tricky things for most of us. While there's a lot of skepticism about everyone having premonitions and instinctive knowledge, we've all heard at least one story where someone followed their gut to success, or likewise averted disaster. We have heard the odd stories about recurring dreams and the disasters they foretold. You can use your intuition to make your life easier, if you know what its strengths are. 

It's Reflexive 

Intuition should be seen as any part of your body. When you get a sore muscle, your body is warning you not to strain it right now. Intuition can act in much the same way, and the more you practice using it, the stronger it gets.

Your Gut Feelings Are An Important Reminder 

Everyone gets a small instinct when a situation doesn't feel right. Following this instinct could save a lot of us a lot of pain. This isn't to say you should be a slave to a gut instinct, but seek out second opinions on your situation and adjust your plan accordingly if some good advice comes up. 

When Recurring Dreams Warn You 

You remember that feeling that sometimes you see the same person appearing in your dreams in an adversarial role, and then you ended up having a falling out? These kinds of dreams can be delicate nudges from your intuition trying to get your attention. 

Pointing Out Signs of Alignment 

A lot of us feel too busy to meticulously pick out when the universe or our higher selves are trying to send us a message. But if we consistently ignore those signs, and in turn our dreams, that kind of energy builds and needs to find some kind of release down the road. Using your intuition to recognize a nudge in those directions can keep your steadily moving towards your goals. 

As A Voice That Helps You 

To be clear: this doesn't mean voices in your head you might have conversations with. This is more learning to hear that small cheer from deep inside yourself. Someone suggests an idea and you hear your higher self shout "Yes!" before you have consciously processed the idea? That is the voice you can listen to. 

To Help You Penetrate Surface Senses 

You've undoubtedly met someone who, based on their record, was a model citizen. But you had a dark thought about their private self, a nagging uncomfortable feeling, that you later felt vindicated in when something unpleasant became public knowledge? Intuition helps you peer through the facade sometimes. This isn't to say expect the worst, but remaining aware there's a picture beyond what you see is important. 

Train your intuition like a muscle and it will be strong enough to help you navigate the unexpected bumps in your life's journey. It has certainly helped you already! 

Do you trust your intuition enough? Show this to friends and family who need to trust their intuition a little bit more - a helpful guide might be just the nudge in the right direction that they need!