These Are The 50 Things You Need To Do To Make Sure Your Relationship Lasts

Nov 03, 2018 by apost team

No one starts out a relationship with the goal of breaking up later on. While both partners start with the best intentions, the relationship can fall apart over time. There are a few common traits that you will see in healthy relationships. If you want your relationship to last, try using the following tips in your life.

1. Get Rid Of The Blueprint

Everyone has certain dreams and goals for their future. This blueprint can actually hurt your relationship. When you let your relationship unfold naturally, you are able to accept each development without worrying that it is not a part of your original plan.

2. Forgive Your Partner

If you cannot learn to forgive someone, then your relationship will never last. You and your partner are bound to make mistakes, so you have to learn how to forgive and move on.

3. And Genuinely Forget

Forgiveness is a good goal, but it only works if you are also able to forget the mistake as well. If you keep bringing up a past mistake, you will never be able to move on.

4. Starting Being A Team Player

Start looking at your relationship as a partnership. You are a team that is committed to working together against all of the challenges and obstacles that the world throws your way.

5. Be Willing To Grow

Over time, it is only natural that both of you will change. If one of you stays stuck in the same beliefs and desires forever, the relationship will not last. Both of you have to be ready and willing to grow together.

6. Be Adaptable

Change will always happen. You have to be ready to adapt to changes and embrace new developments.

7. Embrace Your Faith

If you have a religious faith, turn to it for support. Believing in something higher than yourself is a source of comfort during difficult times.

8. Start Traveling

One way to start growing as a couple is to broaden your views through traveling. Travel makes you work together as a team and gives you memories that will last a lifetime.

9. Travel On Your Own

If you want to go to different places, there is no reason you have to have a shared vacation. Sometimes, traveling places on your own is a good way to grow as a person and enjoy some quality relaxation time.

10. Have Your Own Interests

While it is good to have some shared interests, you need some personal time every once in a while. Cultivate a hobby or interest that is entirely your own.

11. Have A Wide Circle Of Friends

Meeting new people brings joy to your life and can even help you appreciate your partner more.

12. Avoid Keeping Score

If you remember every mistake your partner makes or every time you do the dishes, it will be mentally exhausting. It will also end up hurting your relationship over time.

13. Start Exercising

Exercising boosts your mental health, and it also allows you to stay in good physical shape.

14. Be Self-Aware

The best partners practice self-awareness. With self-awareness, you will be able to tell when you are being too hypercritical or harsh.

15. Know When You Are Wrong

No one is right all the time. The best thing you can do for your relationship is to learn how to admit when you are the one in the wrong. This will also make it easier for your partner to admit it when they are in the wrong as well.

16. Celebrate Your Accomplishments

When something good happens, celebrate it. Whether you have just received a promotion or had a great day at work, try to celebrate all of the big and little things in life.

17. Plan Out Surprises

Over the course of several years, it is easy to start taking your partner for granted. To combat this tendency, plan out surprises for your partner. Little gifts or their favorite dinner are easy things that you can do.

18. The Little Things Matter

Never forget how important the little things are in life. From listening to your partner to having a date night, the little things make a huge difference in the quality of your relationship.

19. Bad Things Matter

Unfortunately, little things can also matter in a negative way. If the way you clear your throat or chew on ice drives your partner nuts, then try changing your habits.

20. Focus On Your Good Qualities

As your relationship develops, remember to focus on your personal growth. Cultivate your good qualities like compassion and patience.

21. Keep The Bathroom Private

Sometimes, you just need to have a bit of privacy. Even when you love being with someone, you might need to make a rule that bathroom time is private time.

22. Keep Talking About Sex

Sex helps you to connect and share intimate moments together. Talk about sex and communicate about what you want in bed.

23. Be A Fan

Always remember to encourage your partner. Your relationship should give you the confidence to overcome self-doubt and insecurities.

24. Secrets Are Okay

You do not have to share every single detail with each other unless it is important.

25. Skip The Subtext

Your partner is not a mindreader. If you have something to say, just say it.

26. Remember The Toilet Seat

Women hate sitting down on a toilet seat when the lid is up. If you want to keep your wife or girlfriend happy, put the toilet seat down.

27. Pick Things Up

Your partner will quickly grow tired of picking things up. Whether you leave your dirty socks out or forget about your dishes, spend some time cleaning up after yourself.

28. Avoid Over-Romanticizing The Past

It is easy to think that a relationship was great once it was over. If you dwell too much on your past romance, it will only make your current partner feel like they are not good enough.

29. Skip The Insults

You should never call your partner stupid or any other insult. It will only hurt your relationship and make your partner upset.

30. Focus On Solutions

If you do not have a solution in mind, do not criticize your partner.

31. Start Reading

You do not have to travel the world to expand your mind. Reading helps you learn more, grow as a person and escape the stress of daily life.

32. You Are Equals In Everything

It does not matter who earns the most or has the best degree. If you are in a relationship together, then you are inherently equals. Act like it.

33. Give Compliments

Show how much you appreciate your partner by giving them sincere compliments.

34. Be Respectful Of Each Other's Friends

You might not like all of your partner's friends, but you still need to be respectful to them. Otherwise, it can end up driving a wedge in your relationship.

35. Know When To Stay Quiet

Sometimes, it is better to keep your ideas or thoughts to yourself. If you know that saying something will hurt your partner, it is often better to just keep your mouth shut.

36. Indulge Their Passions

Spend time learning about your partner's passions. It will help you to bond with each other and show that you value them as a person.

37. Be Fair

If you hold your partner to a certain standard, you need to make sure that you hold yourself to the same requirements.

38. Respect Their Time And Space

Your partner could spend their time on anything they want to, but they choose to devote their time to you. Show that you appreciate your partner's time and respect their need for personal space.

39. Take Care Of Yourself

While you have accomplished the goal of finding a partner, you still need to take care of yourself. You do not have to spend hours shaving and getting dressed, but you need to spend a few extra minutes making yourself look good.

40. Be Clean

Once you live together, dirt and clutter can easily drive your partner nuts. Clean up after yourself if you want a happy home.

41. Ask First

Before you throw anything away, ask your partner first. You never know when that torn shirt or broken mug was actually a precious gift from a deceased grandmother.

42. Invite Their Family Over

If your partner's family likes you, it will definitely make your relationship easier. Make an effort with your partner's family and friends.​​​​​​​

43. Be Thoughtful

While we are on the topic of families, another good idea is to send out holiday cards to show that you care about them.

44. Move Past The Small Things

If something is unimportant, resist the urge to be petty. You will forget about the torn book or broken tool in a while, but your partner could remember a fight forever.

45. Become Self-Sufficient

You are a team, so you both have to do your share of the work. Make sure that you can do all of the chores and really try to carry your weight in the relationship.

46. Laugh

Even the worst disasters can be laughed at. If you can turn something into a joke, it will defuse the tension.

47. Remember Your Manners

Be polite and always help out. Never say something in anger that you cannot take back once you have calmed down.

48. Be Financially Responsible

Other than cheating, money problems are one of the biggest reasons why divorces happen. Learn to be financially responsible so that money issues are never a problem in your home.​​​​​​​

49. Say Thank You

Show your gratitude and avoid taking your partner for granted.

50. Keep Trying

Even the best marriages have rough patches. Instead of giving up during the tough times, learn to adapt and keep trying.

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