These 15 Things Are Only Done By Highly Sensitive People

Sep 28, 2018 by apost team

Highly sensitive people bring a different perspective to the world. Understanding what makes them unique offers a way to connect with each one as an individual.

Here are 15 things that only those with high levels of sensitivity will do

Being highly sensitive is not a bad thing. It is just another way to relate to the world. First used back in the 1990s, being "highly sensitive" has recently become a hot topic again due to an increased interest in introversion and how it relates to the character traits of sensitive individuals.

#1 They understand others better.

Highly sensitive individuals tend to pay attention to what's going on with other people. This gives them insights into what people are experiencing, thinking and feeling. This type of sensitivity is perceived as a good thing in Eastern thinking while it's considered negative in Western thought.

#2 Many avoid team sports.

One trait of many highly sensitive people is the fact that they think everyone is looking at them, especially in group activities like team sports. These individuals tend to do better in individual sports such as biking or running.

It is a trait that some highly sensitive people don't display due to the fact their family supported them in team sports as a child.

#3 They feel deeper than others.

Introspection is a hallmark trait of those with high levels of sensitivity. When such a person is feeling emotions, the introspection kicks in and they go deep to process what they are experiencing.

What may seem to be a normal emotional experience can be more profound for those who go so deep to figure out what is going on.

#4 They react with empathy.

Tough situations tend to bring out the best in highly sensitive people. If a friend is going through a breakup, the sensitive person will react with empathy.

They also care about others' reactions when something bad is going on.

#5 They need time to make decisions.

Spontaneous decision making can be difficult for a highly sensitive person. That type of individual wants to check out the details because they want to avoid troublesome situations.

Taking time to consider a situation and the options on how to handle it gives the person confidence in their final decision.

#6 They hate making mistakes.

When a sensitive individual makes a "wrong" decision, they consider it a failure. They get angry or annoyed at themselves.

This reaction comes back to the deep emotions and introspection such individuals tend to have.

#7 They see everything around them. Dutton

A highly sensitive person is very observant of what is going on around them all the time. They notice the details of a room as soon as they pass through the door.

They see when people they know are not acting normally or are in an emotional state.

#8 Some of them are not introverts.

There is a general perception that someone who is highly sensitive is also an introvert. Actually, about three out of ten are extroverts.

This usually happens when an individual has the opportunity to interact with many people growing up in a tight community.

#9 They are thoughtful, successful workers

The attention to detail and the thoughtful nature of highly sensitive people makes them an ideal worker in many environments. They tend to think through situations and make solid decisions.

They can take on responsibility and deliver results. They put thought into what they do making them great assets on many teams.

#10 They often suffer from anxiety and depression.

Many highly sensitive people deal with anxiety and depression in their lives. This is often a result of negative experiences as a child. If a person doesn't feel safe at home or at school while a child, this can set a person's nervous system to constant anxiety.

Being surrounded by supportive family members is critical for a child with highly sensitive emotions.

#11 They are more sensitive to annoying sounds and experiences.

Getting annoyed at certain sounds is quite natural for many people. However, those who are highly sensitive tend to get annoyed more easily.

They get overwhelmed more easily and this makes them more irritable to annoying sounds and experiences. Too much activity can also irritate or annoy them.

#12 They get more frightened by violence-filled or horror films.

The emotions stirred up while watching a violent or horror film tend to run deeper in those who are highly sensitive.

Their empathetic feelings and sensitivity to overstimulation tend to make them fearful. They are the ones who want someone to stay up with them after watching such a film.

#13 They cry more easily.

One of the stigmas associated with being highly sensitive is being thought of as a crybaby. They tend to cry more easily than others because their emotions are so close to the surface. However, this ease of crying is actually a positive way to release negative emotions.

Due to the stigma, however, sensitive people tend to avoid situations where they may be embarrassed or cry easily.

#14 They are conscientious of others.

A highly sensitive person understands emotions better than others. They tend to be sensitive to others and conscientious to their emotions. This makes the highly sensitive individual generally considerate with good manners.

That person also notices when others are not being kind or conscientious.

#15 They react to criticism more intensely.

Criticism is something the highly sensitive individual wants to avoid. It is felt deeper and more negatively than by less sensitive people.

Avoidance is so strong the person may do anything to please a critical boss or avoid that person altogether. Another option is to criticize themselves first.

Are you a highly sensitive person? Do you have a friend or family member who is? Let that person read this list. Let us know what you think.