These 15 Beach Hacks Will Prevent Any Beach Disaster

Jun 21, 2018 by apost team

Getting to the beach on any given day is sacred. You don’t want a disaster ruining your day in the sand and at the water, so read on for some hacks that can prevent beach disasters and save the day!

#1 Fix Your Flip-Flop

Has the thong part of your cheap flip-flop come off? Use the tab of a soda can to hold it together. Push the piece back through and put the tab over it. A bread bag tie or paper clip will also work.

#2 Keep Sand Out of Snacks

Use an old Coffeemate container to store your snacks in. That way you can easily shake out the snacks you want and then just snap the top back on. No more sandy food!

#3 Pitch a Bohemian Tent

You don’t have to purchase an expensive canopy or fancy tent in order to enjoy a little shade on the beach. Pitch a bohemian tent instead! 

#4 Use a Fitted Sheet to Keep Sand Out

Sand gets everywhere when you are on the beach. Use an old fitted sheet instead of a beach blanket. Use your cooler, shoes, beach bag, and any other items to keep up the sides as a barricade from sand.

#5 Make an Outdoor Drink Holder

Soup cans make wonderful drink holders and you can keep the sand out of them with this hack! Not only that, they will be easier to grab when you want a drink. Find out how to make them here.

#6 Hide Your Valuables

Have an old sunscreen bottle? Cut the top of it off and hide your cash and keys and anything else that fits inside. When you put the top back on you won’t be able to see your valuables!

#7 Portable Cash Stash

Maybe you are still leery of leaving your valuables behind when you swim. Get an old medicine bottle and cut out a hole in the top. Attach a string and you can now wear your cash around your neck! 

#8 Protect Your Cell Phone from Sand

Sand gets in every little nook and cranny, including your cell phone. Put your phone into a small sandwich bag. You will still be able to use the touchscreen even through the plastic.

#9 Sun Burn Relief

Freeze aloe vera in an old ice cube tray. If you get burnt at the beach, run the cubes along your skin for instant relief. Keep doing this for a day to cool off your skin and take away the redness.

#10 Beach Emergency Kit

A scrape or jellyfish sting shouldn’t put an end to your fun beach day. Set up an emergency first aid kit with items like antibiotic ointment, bandages, tweezers, hydrocortisone cream, and anything else you may need. 

#11 Easy Beach Bag

Don’t spend tons on a designer beach bag. Use a mesh laundry bag to hold your items in. It’s cheap and best of all, sand will run right through it!

#12 Beach Bag Towel/Pillow

Your beach towel can be turned into a pillow and beach bag if it has side pockets and can be rolled up. 

#13 Talcum Powder to the Rescue

No matter how much you rinse, sand still sticks to your body! Sprinkle a bit of talcum powder on your skin and let it dry for a few seconds. Rub it off and the sand will come off, too.

#14 Freeze Your Own Treats

Ice cream at the beach can be expensive. Make your own by freezing Capri Suns before you leave. When you are ready to have them at the beach they will be like a slushie! Just remember scissors to cut the top off.

#15 Use Water Bottles as Ice Packs

Those ice packs you buy at the store get warm and soft quickly. Instead, freeze water bottles before you go and use them in your cooler. They take longer to melt and your food and drinks will stay cold all day. You’ll also have cold water for your trip home!

We hope these beach hacks have been useful! Please let us know in the comments if you have any other great ideas!