There Are A Record Number Of Positive Astrological Events In September
Sep 12, 2018 by apost team
If you're like most people, you're probably tired of eclipses, retrogrades, and other astrological events that make the world difficult. But there's some good news around the corner. All of the difficult astrological events for this calendar year will end in September of 2018. And as if that wasn't enough, the month also has an unusually high amount of positive planetary events. This means that you're sure to see a great deal of abundance entering your life.
To be prepared to catch the energy that's manifesting all around you, you should become familiar with the following dates and the things that each of them mean for your future. This month's main aspect refers to great financial abundance. You can expect to have a mindset of abundance, lead an abundant life, and receive unexpected wealth.
September 6: Releasing Stress
Throughout the entire summer, Saturn has been in retrograde. Now, the planet is finally turning direct. You've probably been taught a few tough lessons over the summer and become stronger for it. Now that the lessons have passed, you should never see these former obstacles in the future.
September 6th is also the day that Mercury enters Virgo, which can cause people to feel joyful and liberated. Mercury has a focus on a person's mind, which can cause dramatic and stressful feelings. But September is when Mercury will help you feel drama-free and peaceful.
Your mind will clear up, and you'll have a good sense of what you're doing and what you should be focusing on.
September 7: Alice in Wonderland
September 7 is when the Sun opposes Neptune in Pisces. In the astrological community, this transition is called the "Alice in Wonderland" transition. You'll find that the sun is a representation of your ego, and during this time period, your image of your own ego might become uncertain and blurry. This helps you play with your self-image, drop old attachments that are hurting you, and attempt to become a version of yourself that you love. September 7 might be a time of transformation if you let it.
September 8 Through the Rest of the Month: Transformation of Relationships
Mars and Venus are becoming square. This squareness is like two astrological soul mates being reunited. Divine masculine and divine feminine energies join each other for passionate embraces.
This is the kind of energy that will bring you strong sexual passion. It might also cause your relationships to transform and change. You should expect to become closer to your love, or to find a new love if you don't have one right now.
September 9: New Moon
Every time there's a new moon, the manifestation cycle begins again. This new moon is particularly full of energy for manifestation. When you seek out ways to improve your life and new opportunities, the new moon will help usher these changes in.
September 10: Understanding of Recent Lessons Learned
On September 10, Mars will make the entrance into Aquarius. This change means that you'll finally have clarity regarding what growth you went through over the summer. Mars spent most of the summer in retrograde, which can cause chaotic energy to push and pull you through a number of different directions. Now is the time to learn what those many changes and strange happenings meant, and how you've grown as an individual.
September 12: A New View of Love
This is the moment at which Venus will stand opposite Uranus. Expect your views on relationships and love to undergo a complete transformation. This is a transition period that may last until December, which is a much longer length of time than these transition periods usually are. You'll have the opportunity to reconsider what you want in a partnership and redefine what makes your relationships meaningful. You'll also have clarity about your previous romantic experiences and the reasons they ended.
September 13: Control Over Your Mind
Do all of your thoughts really belong to you? Every day, thousands of messages are beamed into your mind. The majority of them go through unconscious sorting. Some of these outside messages might slip into your mind, causing you to believe that the messages are your own. In this case, Mercury is opposing Neptune. This can cause you to have a new understanding about the messages being accepted into your thought process, which can then allow you to reject negative thinking.
September 22: Decision Making
This is the date that Mercury will enter Libra. Mercury is often an indecisive planet, but it has a great deal of control over how you make your decisions. Because of its position in Libra, now is the time to be making decisions. This time period will last for a few weeks. It's your best time to make correct and easy decisions. You'll also have an easier time having productive work with other people.
September 22: Fall Equinox
The fall equinox is brimming with magic. It's a time that you can honor your loved ones and the earth, thanking the harvest for providing for you. What things have you manifested or gained over the last six months? Make sure you're grateful for everything you have received.
September 25: Full Harvest Moon
Harvest moons are the full moon closest to the fall equinox. At this time, the surrounding energies from the planets will help you let go of your old fears, overcome your mental health issues, and stand up to different obstacles in your life. Uranus and Mars combine to give you the strength you need.
September 30: Completion of Transformation
On the final day in September, Pluto will go direct. Pluto is a planet that has to do with liberation and deep personal work. Now it's complete, ushering in a period of deeper transformation in October.
What do you think about these planetary movements? Are you excited to see what the rest of the month has in store for you?