The Secret Meaning Of The 10 Most Popular Tattoos

May 23, 2018 by apost team

Tattoos have long been used in tribal communities as symbolic, meaningful expressions of both self and group. At one time, civilized society placed such a stigma on body ink that few were bold enough to use body ink as a form of self-expression, or at least not openly.

Today, however, tattoos have lost their taboo associations and many proudly sport whatever ink they fancy, meaningful or not.

From skulls to hearts, there are hundreds of thousands of the same tattoos walking around on human skin. That said, it doesn’t necessarily mean that tattoos have lost their symbolic, meaningful expressionism. For some, their tattoo choice has been carefully selected based on some deep, personal, and profound meaning. Why, then, are so many tattoos of the same image? 

Certain physical images are engrained by a universal representation of an emotional, psychological, spiritual, physical, or metaphorical meaning. When you see a heart shape, for example, you automatically associate it with love.

Here are some other symbolic meanings behind some common tattoos. 


These magnificent, colorful creatures are often representative of change, metamorphosis, freedom, beauty, and regrowth. As a living creature that starts its journey as a caterpillar, transitions to a cocoon, and ultimately transforms into something in no way resembling its original state of life, it’s the ideal tattoo to represent monumental changes. 


While this could simply represent a person’s appreciation for the written word and grammar rules, semicolon tattoos on the wrist are also popular based on what the semicolon does for a living.

In the writing world, authors have a choice to end a sentence or expound via a semicolon; by expounding, the author is choosing to allow the semicolon to represent continuity and not giving up on the merit and worth of the thought. Whereas a period is the finality, a semicolon is hope for more.

The action of the semicolon resonates with those who’ve struggled with addiction, depression, self-injury, and despair that life must continue and there is hope. 


A feather tattoo can represent death and loss for obvious reasons. It can also be symbolic of the person taking on the nomadic and free lifestyle or the courageous and bravery personality traits of the bird.

In Native American cultures, feathers often indicate the person’s status within the tribe and are used to represent spiritual protection. 


You don’t have to be a water enthusiast to appreciate the symbolism of an anchor. Anchors are massive, weighted items that keep the ship stable, in place, unwavering to the elemental forces around it.

Many people get an anchor tattoo to reflect a journey(s) they’ve overcome through strength and perseverance. Others use it as a representation of something or someone keeping them grounded or offering unwavering stability and support. 

Om Symbols 

Om is representative of the start and end of the lifecycle in Sanskrit. It’s the holiest, first, and highest order syllable to be spoken and holds religious meaning within Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism tenets.

Zodiac Signs 

Some people feel a profound and highly meaningful connection with their astrological sign, which is reflective of both their akin and individualized personality traits.

These signs are often tattooed as a connection between guidance, destiny, and/or belief. 


Universal symbolism has connected the rose with emotions of love and passion and physical representations of beauty. However, the features of a rose delve to deeper meanings as well.

The color, for example, can moot the traditional associations made with the rose. White roses represent purity and chasteness. Peach roses are indicative of platonic affection. Thorns are another characteristic that changes representation from loving to defensiveness or loss. 

Lotus Flowers 

These flowers hold a spiritual meaning for some people as they’re representative of purity, harmony, and patience. Since they grow in unattractive, inhospitable murky swamp waters to bloom into an absolute gorgeous flower, the lotus is also symbolic in overcoming adversity and in not letting your environment dictate what you can become. 

Infinity Symbols 

These unbroken lines may have several meanings of being infinitive or never-ending representation. Endless love and devotion to or of another is one. Self-empowerment through limitless possibilities and never quitting is another.

There’s also spiritual meaning, particular in Hinduism and Buddhism, in the cycle of rebirth. 


Originating in the in Ojibwe culture as a snare to catch the nightmares of sleeping infants, these webbed hoops made their way into the Pan-Indian movement as a signifier of unity and peace. They’ve since been adopted outside the Native American community as an object of happiness, good fortune, protection against evil forces, and lure for positive energy. 

While these tattoos may be considered trite by today’s standards due to the prevalence of them on people’s bodies, they still hold powerful symbolic meaning for many based on the ideas and concepts they have a long standing history of representing.

Do you have or are considering a tattoo with special meaning? Show this article to your friends and family and let us know your tattoo plans!