The Reason Why God Brings You Closer To Certain People And Then Takes Them Away

Nov 16, 2018 by apost team

Have you ever met someone and felt an instant bond with them? It’s unexplainable. You have no tangible or logical reasoning behind it. You just simply feel what you feel.

Have you ever wondered why you just seem to automatically click with certain people and not others? Again, there’s nothing you can say makes one person “better” than the other; you just feel how you feel.

On the surface, it seems like something unnatural and perhaps even judgmental, but maybe there’s a higher and very kind reasoning behind this.

The Right People At The Right Time

Whatever higher power you believe in, such as God, perhaps brings us closest to those that we need in our lives at particular moments in time. Maybe it’s to teach us an important lesson about our life.

Maybe it’s to reveal some secret we hold deep within ourselves. Maybe it’s to encourage us to alter our course. Maybe it’s to carry us through when we can’t hold ourselves upright. Whatever the exactness of it, the point is that God puts certain people in our lives whom we get more and quickly attached to for a greater purpose.

Stop for a moment to think about those who’ve come and gone from your life with such rapid and meaningful attachment. If you’re like most of us, you’ll likely find that all served to have taught you some lesson you might’ve otherwise missed or played some important role in your life that changed it somehow.

Sadly, many of these souls were likely very temporary figures in your life. This is because their presence was to show you something before you set each other free. It’s often the stage of your life that determines who it is you need the most and who it is God sends to you.

We are all instruments of God. He sends the answers to the questions we may not even know we need answering, and he often does this by placing the exact right person, at the exact right time to become close to us and bring out the best in us so that we may find clarity and our highest sense of self.

As we find ourselves facing the trials and tribulations of life, God sends help by placing these people in our lives to help us escape the darkness.

But, are they destined to forever be with us?

As wonderful of a role as these people play in our lives, they are temporary vessels. They’re often not designed to play a forever role in your life. They’ve been called to help us jump over a puddle, not hold our hands through the entirety of life’s journey.

God designed it so these precious blessings make it easier to form relationships with those meant to be permanent fixtures.

No doubt that this is frustrating. We care for our precious temporary vessels of knowledge and truths deeply. We don’t want to let go of them. It’s hard to fathom why God would give such a blessing and then take it away. They’ve helped to heal and build the person you are today. It requires faith to let go.

Faith is knowing that these vessels would get lost, become uninspiring, and miss out on other callings if they overstayed their purpose with you.

The beauty of the person’s existence would fade and their purpose mooted. They’d become the essence of an enabler, not saving grace.

Faith is letting them go. Faith is knowing the story had a beginning, purpose, and ultimate end, all of which was written by an all-knowing God. Just as God knew when you needed the person, God also knows when it’s time for you to let them go and continue onward in the story within the story.

Attempting to question or rewrite this is doing a disservice to the help your precious temporary vessels brought you.

Allow these angels to move on and teach others the lessons and healing they need, too. Anything less would be selfish. Where much has been given, much is expected. The lesson itself could be in that very design. This precious gift could’ve been given to teach you the humility and acceptance of letting go.

Will you have faith in God’s design? Will you accept when it’s time to let go of the temporary connections you build to make yourself stronger for the next person, who may be intended to be in your life forever?

If so, then you’ll be able to spot your forever people in even the most crowded room. You’ll be ready, prepared, and accepting.

You’ll know the difference between those destined to hold our hands for a moment and those destined to hold our hearts and souls forever.

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