The Most Powerful Empath: The Heyoka
Aug 10, 2018 by apost team
Empaths are often difficult to relate to. They have what is known as a “shared emotion response” with others around them. This means that they often read the body language and special inflections of others, gathering more information about a person than most of the people around them.

Every single one of us has the hardware, biologically-speaking, to feel how another person feels. However, we have to allow ourselves to be wide open to the experience. If we remain closed-minded, the thoughts and feelings of those around us will not be felt. We do have to be somewhat honest with ourselves in order to truly acknowledge how others are feeling, however.
We all do not have the developed sense of empathy that others seem to have, no matter how hard we try. Those that have been successful in developing such a heightened sense of empathy are known as empaths. The Heyoka is the most valued type of empathic archetype.

Heyoka is a Native American term that means “sacred clown” or “fool.” Heyokas are basically living mirrors for those around them. They can quickly and easily reveal all of our weaknesses and shortcomings. They also show us our faults and can add to them. This doesn’t sound like the best thing to experience, but it isn’t as bad as it sounds. These empaths only want to help the people around them.
You may leave a Heyoka feeling very angry and irritated because you pointed out a negative part of their personality, such as their arrogance. You need to realize that by doing so you are simply highlighting their reaction to you. If you leave a Heyoka with a strong sense of love, that means they are probably trying to convey a message of self-love and acceptance to you.

They aren’t always consciously mirroring your actions, but it happens. They wish only to teach you that you should open your eyes to new feelings. Many people find this unpredictable and constant behavior to be somewhat off-putting. A Heyoka friend or family member always seems to know when something is bothering you, and they may address it even when you don’t want them to. They can’t help themselves.
They do not like to see anyone in pain. Don’t push them away. They are only trying to assist you with your problems. Learn from their behavior and allow them to do what they can to help you. Don’t get upset over the way a Heyoka friend is treating you. Chances are, they are even doing it subconsciously.
Do you know anyone who fits the bill of a Heyoka? Let us know in the comments and pass this along to family and friends!