The Key To Your Heart Can Be Unlocked With Your Birth Month
May 04, 2018 by apost team
Did you know that the month we are born in greatly impacts who we turn out to be when we grow up? Whether it's our personality, our temperament, our likes and dislikes, or our romantic interests, learning more about your birth month can shed a lot on your identity. Read on to learn the key to your heart!
If You Were Born In...
Kindness is the key to your heart. You love unconditionally and truly have a heart of gold, which is why finding a partner who loves as deeply as you is crucial.
If You Were Born In...
Passion is the key to your heart. You need someone who has just as much zest for life and adventure as you do!
If You Were Born In...
Faithfulness is the key to your heart. Many people find it hard to commit, but you thrive in longterm relationships.
If You Were Born In...
Commitment is the key to your heart. You refuse to quit when things get tough, so you deserve someone who will weather any storm with you.
If You Were Born In...
Humor is the key to your heart. Life is too short to be unhappy. Find someone who shares your good sense of humor!
If You Were Born In...
Humility is the key to your heart. Arrogance is a huge turn off. You need to be with someone who is just as humble as you.
If You Were Born In...
Honesty is the key to your heart. You never lie, so it breaks your heart when someone close to you deceives you. You deserve someone with integrity.
If You Were Born In...
Chocolate is the key to your heart. It's really that simple!
If You Were Born In...
Hugging is the key to your heart. You are incredibly affectionate and you adore being touched.
If You Were Born In...
Thoughtfulness is the key to your heart. It's the little things that make you happiest, like a simple compliment.
If You Were Born In...
Good gifts are the key to your heart. You know someone loves you if they are able to find the perfect gift for you as the unique individual that you are!
If You Were Born In...
Quality time is the key to your heart. You don't need anything flashy. All you want is to be surrounded by people you love.
Are your results accurate? Make sure you compare with all of your friends!