The Internet Is Praising A Delivery Driver For Alerting Lady About ‘Unsafe’ House

Sep 08, 2021 by apost team

When people move into new homes, it can take a while for things to be finished and really settled in. Whether it's items of furniture that are missing, walls that need painting, or maybe even something as small as a missing house number out the front, it's no secret that there's a lot to do and often things are forgotten in the process. But these seemingly minor details can sometimes have major consequences, as one delivery driver recently pointed out. 

If you were to forget to put your house number up after moving in, nobody would notice more than a postman or delivery driver. Whether they're bringing the mail or packages and food items, the people working these jobs do a lot for the community. Their services allow us to receive goods in the comfort of our own homes and sometimes they even go above and beyond what is expected of their jobs. And something that makes their job harder than it should be is when a house is missing its numbers.

That was the case with one recent Amazon delivery driver who delivered a package and also some potentially lifesaving advice to a homeowner — and she did it all through song on August 31, 2021! Talk about a talented lady!

The moment was uploaded in a video to TikTok by user @_jesshopehuse, whose full name is Jessica Huseman. The video consisted of Huseman's front doorbell camera and the manner in which she relayed this pertinent information to the homeowner. The video instantly spread all over the internet, going viral in the process. 

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

In the video posted to TikTok, the delivery driver approaches the house as she begins her song, which goes:

"Hello Jennifer! I hope your Monday is going well! You have no markers on your house that say what number you are. And that is hard to find your house, my dude. And it's unsafe, honestly. What if you needed any medical assistance, and the paramedics didn't know your town well. Come on, man. Have a great day!"

The video, which was posted about a week ago, has over 4 million views and over 1 million likes. What's most engaging about it is that from the delivery driver's tone — and song — it's clear that she isn't annoyed about the house not having a number, but is instead simply interested in offering up some valuable advice to the homeowner. And as Huseman put it: "she's not wrong though." She also explains that she had just moved in but admitted, "Guess I need to get some house numbers." It turns out the "Jennifer" that the package was for was actually the house's former tenant.

The video spread like wildfire, with people commenting their thoughts, including a retired paramedic who confirmed what the delivery driver had said. They wrote:

"Retired paramedic. She is 100 correct. Protect yourself and get some large numbers on your house and mailbox if it's out front. Spray paint on curb too."

Meanwhile, others were impressed with how the driver delivered (pun intended) her message:

"LOL she dropped some knowledge, the package, and a tune! Respectable."

Another wrote:

"This is proof that you can give advice without being rude about it. You go my dude!"

Other users were simply in love with the cheery disposition of the delivery driver, calling her energy "unmatched," "upbeat" and "a whole mood." Soon enough, the identity of the driver was revealed and it turns out her name is Kelsey. Following her star-making turn, she decided to make a TikTok of her own and has promised to give more safety advice on there. One commenter had even written on the original video post:

"I personally know the delivery driver, and she is an incredibly, awesome and caring person! She's the best truly! Her advice comes from her heart!"

In one of Kelsey's TikTok videos, she gives further background information on why she gave the advice in the first place, explaining that she used to work in Residency Life and Student Affairs and that crisis management and prevention education are very dear to her heart.

Kelsey also gives another great tip, urging people to clear their driveways and exits. She says that she often sees kid's bikes and other larger items by front doors, but it's important to have a clear path if you need to exit or if emergency services need to get into your home. She adds that while she's out delivering packages if she sees something, she says something because that's how bystander intervention works in keeping everyone safe.

As for Huseman's missing house numbers? In an update video, she told viewers that she already went out and bought mailbox stickers and house numbers and she also intends to paint her house number on the driveway.

What a delightful video with a sincere message about safety. What did you think of Kelsey's approach to giving advice? Have you ever had someone share valuable information in a positive way before? Pass this on to everyone you know so they can learn about Kelsey's potentially lifesaving advice too.

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