The Best Household Tips For Cleaning An Oven
Aug 08, 2018 by apost team
An oven is an essential part of a home and sees daily use. Whether it's baking a cake or cooking a casserole, pot roast or something else.
Often, something gets spilled. Just think about the cheese on a pizza or grease from a roast. And of course you don't always feel like cleaning the oven after you've just finished eating. The fact that it's often still hot is also a factor. Whatever the case, it's often a fact that these little spills get practically burned into the oven, until cleaning the dried and partly crusted remains becomes a near impossible thing. This is why we would like to show you these tips using common household items, so that your oven can shine again.
The Household Items
Salt: First you should wipe down your oven with a moist cloth or cleaning rag. Afterwards just cover the crusted remains with salt und set the oven to about 50°C / 122°F. Now you just have to wait until the salt has turned brown. Then you can turn off the oven and wait until it has completely cooled down. Just use the moist cloth again and wipe away those stains as if they had never been there.
Lemon Juice: Lemon juice is a cure-all for so many household problems, including a dirty oven. Just mix lemon juice with some water and pour it into a baking dish. Put this into the oven and set the temperature to 120°C / 250°F, until the crusted stains have loosened due to the steam.
Shaving Foam: This might be hard to belive, but it's true! Just spread shaving foam on the bottom and sides of the oven, let it set for a few minutes and then wipe it off.
Baking Powder: You can also get rid off dried up stains by using a paste mixed from water and baking powder. Just spread it across the dirty areas, let it set and then wipe it off with a moist cloth.
Baking Soda: Spread baking soda across the oven, sprinkle a bit of water on top of it and let it settle. Afterwards just wipe it off with a moist cloth and your oven will shine again without a big fuss.
Tips For A Clean Oven
Sometimes the solution is so easy. Just use baking paper while using the oven to reduce the numer of stains. Of course, using a baking dish with a higher side or without filling it to the brim also helps. Getting rid of any spills immediately is the best of course, even it's often hard to do. Lots of ovens have integrated steam systems nowadays, which can be used to soak the stains. This makes them much easier to clean.
Another tip is cleaning all the parts separately. Get the grid out of the oven and take off the oven door, which can easily be done without tools if you have a newer model. Cleaning the rubber seals is also important. Doing it regularly with warm water and a bit of soap makes sure that the door won't have leaks. If you use baking dishes, try to go for enameled ones or those who have a ceramic surface.
If you have the choice, you should go for an oven with coating. The insides of one of those are often coated with a so called catalytic coating, which starts to break down stains while the oven is in use. But if you do have a coated oven, make sure to never use scouring milk, brushes, steel wool or hard or roough sponges to clean it.
A self-cleaning oven, meaning one with a so called pyrolyse function, is of the course the best thing to have. In this case you only have to wipe the oven down ith a moist cloth after its self-cleaning programm has run its course. If you don't have a self-cleaning oven, you can use an oven cleaner if you don't want to use one of the household item solutions. This does get rid of bad stains as well, of course.
Have you ever had these annoying stains inside your oven and will you try using these houshold items to get rid of them?
Do you know somebody who has trouble getting their oven clean? Then show this person this article and make their life so much easier.