The Benefit Of Cutting An Onion And Leaving It On Your Bedside Table
Sep 10, 2018 by apost team
The consumption of vegetables and fruits offers many benefits to our health. The number of benefits available is more than you can ever imagine. The internet offers a massive amount of information regarding the benefits of eating fruits and vegetables. You would be surprised to know that there are many items in your refrigerator that have properties for healing.
One vegetable that we often fail to take advantage of is the onion. This vegetable is mainly used to add flavor to the meals we cook on a daily basis. It is also known to be very beneficial for your health.

According to the Journal of Nutrition, sulfuric compounds can reduce your body’s risk for cancer and stand as a detoxifying agent for your liver. The antioxidant in onions, quercitin, lowers cholesterol, actively shields against diabetes and defends against blood clots and serious breathing issues that may stem from asthma. The red onions are popular for having this antioxidant.

The 1900s started the use of onions to reduce the complications caused by the plague in European countries. The poultice of onions is often used in Ayurvedic medicine to get rid of colds, inflammation, pain in the joints, coughs and flus.

If you are interested in taking advantage of the many health benefits offered by onions, you can place a sliced onion in your bedroom to get started. They work wonderfully to rid your environment of smells originating from septic areas and they work to prevent any flu outbreaks. The potent smell works to consume harmful pollutants, organisms, and toxins drifting throughout the environment.

There are a variety of onions that work well to increase your health. However, white onions are encouraged for use. Take half of a cut onion and put it in a bowl. Place the bowl in your room to remain there overnight to absorb the harmful toxins in your environment.

For extra strength, you can also place onion halves in other rooms of your home to cleanse the area. As time passes, the onion will shift in its color to become a shade of brown. The color alteration is a result of the onion’s oxidation. Once the onion has been used a couple of times, it is essential to throw it away.
How long should you use an onion?
That question is still being debated. Many say no more than a few months while others say no more than a few days. A lot of people are certain that the use of onions in this way yields true benefits. There are also a high number of individuals who aren’t so sure they want to put their trust in an onion half. For anyone who is skeptical of the benefits, what will you lose if you try it anyway? The action does not cause any harm. It does cost a lot of money. Overall it is something you can do with little to no effort.
People all over the world have been doing this for years. Out of those many, people proclaim to succeed in not being a victim of the flu virus during the dreaded season. Some enjoy waking up on mornings without having to worry about being congested. Allergy season is approaching. What will you do to ward off the symptoms?
Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!