The 7 Hermetic Principles of The Kybalion And What They Mean In Your World

Aug 20, 2018 by apost team

It's important to examine these seven world principles and the ways they interact with the world around us.

What Are The Seven Hermetic Principles?

These principles were outlined in the book "The Kybalion," which was written by the Three Initiates. The principles are presented as immutable laws of the universe to which every individual is subject.

The Principle of Mentalism

This is the first principle in the list of principles. The section begins to describe the principle by stating that the universe is mental and the all is mind. But what exactly does this mean? It means that the entire world around us is a manifestation of our consciousness. The essence that lives and breathes beneath all energy and matter is a field of consciousness. It's relevant to you because you can expand your consciousness to envelop the entirety of the universe.

The Principle of Correspondence

The principle of correspondence is the second principle in the list. It discusses the way that everything in the universe connects, whether it's on a microcosmic level or a macrocosmic level. The nature of reality is fractal. When you're aware that reality is fragmented between a huge amount of different consciousness, you can learn secrets of realms that exist on a different vibratory plane.

The Principle of Vibration

This principle states that nothing rests, because everything is constantly moving and vibrating. The entirety of the universe vibrates at a specific frequency. This theory has scientific backing behind it. This principle is understood as a person grasping at power being held out by the hermetic writers of old. If you understand and know what this means, you can affect the way you and the strings around you vibrate. You can shift the vibrations according to your will and manifest your desires.

The Principle of Polarity

This fourth principle is described as the duality of everything in the universe. Everything has an opposite. Likeness and unlikeness are the same thing. Opposite concepts are actually identical by nature, but their degrees are different. All truths are only half the truth, and all paradoxes have a way to be reconciled. This principle is a way to make people aware that things are classified as having two distinct poles when those poles are part of a whole object. For example, the north pole and south pole are both parts of the Earth. Heat and cold are both temperature, night and day are both time. To expand your consciousness, you need to understand how to transmute your polarity.

The Principle of Rhythm

The principle of rhythm is the fifth on the list. This principle states that everything in the universe has a beat. Everything flows the same way the tides ebb and fall. Everything rises and falls. Nothing can go up without coming back down. The rhythm of the universe keeps everything in perfect balance. If this balance was lost, things would fall apart.

The Cause and Effect Principle

This sixth principle refers to the way that events affect other events. When something happens, a chain of rippling consequences emanates from that one event. Sometimes the ripples are too small to be felt by people, but they change the fundamental fabric of the universe. You need to understand the cause and effect principle to control the impact you have on the world.

The Principle of Gender

This last principle states that gender is an innate part of everything in the universe. Masculine and feminine traits can be found in everything. Gender manifests across all planes. This principle is a reference to the divine masculine and divine feminine energies that govern the universe.

Whether you believe in them or not, these principles challenge you to view the universe differently. Do you think the universe has spiritual elements? Pass this on to your friends and loved ones.