Terry Fator And Darci Lynne Sing Spectacular Rendition Of “The Prayer”
Dec 01, 2021 by apost team
Back in 2017, Darci Lynne Farmer shocked the world with her outstanding voice and even more impressive skills as a ventriloquist on the “America’s Got Talent” stage. She was only 12 years old when she took home the win on the competition series after stunning both the judges and the audience with her amazing performances. Using a variety of puppets, Farmer has shown off her beautiful singing voice and even rapping abilities while performing ventriloquism at the same time.
Growing up, Farmer always had a passion for singing but was too shy to perform in front of an audience. After discovering the art of ventriloquy, Farmer picked up the hobby and began perfecting her skills. Later inspired by fellow “America’s Got Talent” winner Terry Fator, Farmer went on to follow in his footsteps and win the competition with her own spin on the art.
Creating the illusion that her voice is coming from elsewhere, such as her puppets, Farmer has mastered the craft of throwing her voice through the technique of ventriloquism. On top of being able to show off her beautiful range as a vocalist, she has also tackled a variety of different voices and accents with her puppet characters.
Both Farmer and Fator are exceptional at singing with their puppets and in December 2020 they collaborated together on a duet of the song “The Prayer.” The video was posted to Fator’s Youtube account around the holidays and the touching song has moved thousands of viewers. Keep reading to see the performance and to read some reactions to this stunning duet.
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

On December 10, 2020, Fator posted a video of himself and Farmer signing a beautiful rendition of “The Prayer.” The song was originally performed by Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli. They recorded the song in 1998 for the film “Quest for Camelot.” Originally, the song was recorded entirely in English by Dion and then in Italian by Bocelli and was also included as a duet on each of their respective studio albums.
It is the duet version, in both English and Italian, that Farmer and Fator performed together. Their voices blend well together and their ability to sing without moving their mouths is always impressive. It really looks like the puppets are the ones belting out the lyrics.
At the beginning of the video, there is a cute exchange between the puppets during which Petunia and Winston share what they want for Christmas. Winston lists off video game consoles and other materialistic gifts while Petunia says she wants “world peace.” Winston then changes his mind and says he wants world peace too.
Many youtube viewers were blown away by Farmer and Fator’s talents. One commenter wrote under the video, “Individually they are great, but together, Darci and Terry, you both are awesome! God bless you both. Merry Christmas.”
Another person humorously added, “I am crying while two puppets sing ‘The Prayer.’ Lord help me.”
Others pointed out the impressive technical ability that both singers possess. A third person commented, “Absolutely breathtaking! The fact that these two have such incredible vocal control that they can sing that beautifully without moving their lips is a testament to their amazing abilities!”

Did you enjoy the performance by Farmer and Fator? Are you impressed by their acts? Let us know what you think, and feel free to send this along to your loved ones.