Sweet Goldendoodle Keeps Saying "I Love You" To His Newborn Human Brother
Jul 16, 2020 by apost team
Ralph E. Doodles the Goldendoodle tells his human baby sibling, Noah that he loves him in a video posted by Rumble this month.
Docile pets make excellent additions to households with toddlers or babies. They offer many things for your child, including comfort, protection, and a lifelong friend.

One relationship between a Goldendoodle and a toddler is the epitome of such a friendship. A proud mother of a newborn decided to test the strength of the bond between her beloved pet and her new son.
She places the puppy, Ralph E. Doodles onto the side of her newborn and asks the puppy if he loves the adorable baby. Surprisingly, the puppy's response is easy to understand. Goldendoodles are known for being very vocal canines. When the mother inquires to Ralph about his bond with her son, the puppy replies with sounds that resemble "I love you." What makes this even more adorable is that the pup is moving ever so slightly as to not wake the baby sleeping by his side.


Actually, the sound might have been an "Arrrrwwwoooo," but it sounded similar from the mouth of the pup. The mom replies, "I love you, Ralph." She constantly repeats this, hoping to get another response out of the good boy. She changes her tone a few times to emphasize just how much the puppy means to her. Ralph howls softly and conveys affection through his growls as he notes the tone of her voice.
The mother's success with getting a reply from the dog causes them to continue speaking. Baby Noah is just sitting by Ralph's side enjoying the verbal exchange between the two. He has an adorable grin on his face the entire time! Whether he understands what they are saying or not is only known by him.

Goldendoodles are not entirely their own breed, but rather the result of a crossbreed between golden retrievers and Poodles. Another name for the Goldendoodle is "Groodle." Because of their unique genes, they are great household dogs and excellent with other pets and children! They are sometimes seen as a "designer" breed but have the intelligence and affection to make them clearly superior to most other breeds. In addition, Goldendoodles rarely shed and are very loving.
The size of the Goldendoodle is a result of the size of the Poodle in their crossbreed. This means that the Groodle has no specific size. It can be anywhere from a lapdog to a large dog. While this breed is not short of good traits, they are also great at other things such as being guide dogs, therapy dogs, and police sniffers! They are nearly good at everything!

The one thing Goldendoodles cannot do is work as watchdogs. They have few aggressive tendencies and therefore, are not fit for security work. However, Ralph will always be there for his family, and especially baby Noah.

Goldendoodles prefer to be socially active, rather than physically. Because they are so verbal, they enjoy interactions of any type. They will get along with strangers and family or friends they have never met before. They would rather stay by your side than run off chasing other dogs. Goldendoodles are a fairly recent breed.
The breed is so recent that this crossbreeding began in the nineties, following the increased popularity of Labradoodles and the Cockapoo. Owners of Goldendoodles love how you can almost never tell what the size of their future pet will be. No matter what the size, these dogs are still very lovable and make excellent pets!
What do you think about this cute story? Be sure to tell your friend and give us your opinions in the comments section.