Survey Reveals: Women Share A Deeper Connection With Their Best Friends Than Their Husbands

Oct 30, 2018 by apost team

It seems as though most of us have a best friend or two throughout our lives. These are the friends that you can trust with anything. They are there for you through thick and thin, no matter what. You will confide in them when you are feeling the worst and they will have you feeling better in no time. There is no one else like them and you couldn't imagine doing life without them.

This is even true if you are married. Chances are you love your husband with all your heart but there is no way you could just push your friends aside because your man came along.

Even if you have a husband or significant other in your life that you claim is your top priority, chances are you will still long for the company of your best friend. This isn't just an opinion but a known fact.

The Statistics

Research has proved just this. Out of a little over 1500 people that were surveyed by Champneys, a spa and healthcare company, 50% of them claim that their relationship with their best friend comes before the one that they share with their husband.

The survey also asked for the reason why this is. The majority of the responses was due to the fact that their friends are willing to talk about anything and everything rather than just a few small subjects.

They feel that their friends listen more and also feel that they can tell them things without fear of them passing on anything to their significant other.

Another finding is that women prefer to participate in exciting activities with their friends over their partners as well. This includes alcohol-fueled events.

It was even found that more than 60% of women preferred that their husband wasn't even present during their alone time with their friends.

Here are more of the findings from the full survey:

  • 57% - I'm able to talk to my best friends about anything
  • 47% - My best friend listens more than my husband does
  • 44% - I can tell my best friend secrets without my husband's knowledge
  • 41% - My best friend and I share the same interest
  • 39% - There isn't any lack of humor
  • 29% - I can be me and not worry about what she thinks
  • 28% - Her advice is better than my husband's
  • 26% - She doesn't get on my nerves
  • 25% - We have a lot in common
  • 19% - She is funnier than my husband
  • 18% - I can act crazy and not feel judged

Out of the surveyed women, 43% of the women had a girl's weekend planned in the upcoming year.

The research proves exactly what a nationally known spa sales stats were already showing. The bookings for female groups on the weekend have doubled in the past year and the "Girls Night In" package has become the most desired package at their resorts.

Do you feel the same way about your friends? Do you they always have your back? Maybe it's time to plan that getaway with your gals. Let them see this article and let them know just how special they are to you!