Surprising Uses Of Your Microwave That You Never Heard Of

Apr 26, 2018 by apost team

Of course you are aware of your microwave’s ability to reheat just about any meal so you can quickly enjoy it again the next day but did you know that your microwave can be used for a number of other simple tasks to make your life easier?

Not only can you use your microwave to sterilize baby bottles and reheat that cup of coffee you haven’t gotten around to drinking all day but you can also accomplish a number of other daily tasks such as:

Remove A Stamp With Ease

You placed your stamp on your envelope prior to filling it out and of course you made a mistake writing it out. Don’t worry you can remove that stamp easily and reuse it. Put a couple of drops of tap water onto the surface of the stamp and microwave it for twenty seconds or so. When you pull the envelope out you should be able to easily peel the stamp right off.

Toasted Nuts

You’re making a recipe and it calls for you to stop what you’re doing and lightly toast some nuts on your stovetop. Don’t worry about pulling out another pan and doing it this way. You can microwave the nuts of your choice on a plate with half a teaspoon of canola oil drizzled over them. Microwave one minute at a time, stirring in between intervals and continue until the nuts are at the desired texture.

Disinfect Your Sponge Or Dish Rag

Get more life out of your sponges or rags but microwaving them for two minutes in your microwave. This will kill as much as ninety-nine percent of the germs that are present.

Give Potato Chips New Life

If you forgot to clip up a bag of chips in your pantry or have had them a couple of days over their shelf life, you can place the chips on a paper towel on top of a plate and stick them in the microwave for ten to twenty seconds to crisp them again and bring them back to life.

Disinfect Your Cutting Board

While many cutting boards are supposed to be made of materials that naturally are antibacterial and anti-microbial, you may want to give them a good disinfecting here and there to keep them germ free. Make sure the board is clean and then rub each side down with a fresh slice of lemon. You can microwave it for sixty seconds to completely disinfect it.

Prevent Food Splatter

Poke holes on the surface of foods that have thick skin like potatoes, squash or tomatoes before putting them in the microwave to let steam exit through these pores and keep your microwave clean after each use.

Steam Clean Your Microwave

Squeeze two halves of lemon into a bowl of water and leave them in. Set your microwave to medium heat with the bowl placed inside. After 5 minutes, you can easily wipe the inside of your microwave clean with a sponge/piece of cloth.

Scrambled Eggs

There’s nothing worse than cooking scrambled eggs in a pan that will need to soak for the day in order to get all those eggs off of it. Simply crack your desired amount of eggs into a mug, add a little bit of milk, salt and pepper like normal and then microwave for forty-five seconds at a time mixing when you take them out.

Cutting Onion

Cut both ends of an onion and place it in the microwave on full heat for 30 seconds. You will notice that, while cutting the onion, you don’t tear up anymore.

Dry Herbs

Microwave your herbs wrapped in a towel for a few minutes, flipping them every 30 seconds. Your herbs will be all dried up and read to spice up your meals in no time.

Peel Garlic

To turn peeling garlic into a hassle free process, simply place it in your microwave for 20 seconds on medium heat and the skin will come off easily.

Un-Stale Bread

Take that stale bread laying around and wrap it in a damp towel. Put it into your microwave for 15 seconds on high and voila! Fresh like straight from bakery.

Fast Forward Bean Soaking Process

Some meals require the beans/lentils to be soaked overnight but if you don’t have that much time, you can simply place them in a bowl of water and add a teaspoon of baking soda. Place your bowl in microwave and set it on high for 10 minutes. Take it out and let it rest on the counter for 30 minutes and your beans are ready.


Put that microwave to good use and start utilizing it on a daily basis to make your life easier. Let your friends know about all these great microwave hacks as well so you can help others find simplicity in their life and find out some of their great ideas as well.