Successful People Swear By These 4 Mental Habits
Jul 13, 2018 by apost team
There is no single formula for success. However, by examining the habits of other successful people, sometimes it is possible to find certain traits you can encourage in yourself. The four traits below have all been linked to successful people.
Be More Narcissistic
You shouldn't actually be a narcissist, but there is research supporting the idea that people who think very highly of themselves do tend to have more mental resilience. One study found better performers in school score higher on narcissistic traits. Believing you are the best may help you perform at your highest level.
Seek Out a Passion
It is better to be active than passive, and you should look for your passion in life rather than sitting around hoping it will come to you. One study by researchers at Stanford that appeared in "Psychological Science" found that people who are active about finding their passion are also more likely to stick with it than those who take a more passive approach. It may be that if you have pushed yourself to find something you love, you will then find the willpower to keep pursuing it.
Get Moving
According to a study in the "Journal of Research and in Personality," people who were less active also scored lower on measures of openness, conscientiousness, extroversion and agreeableness. Therefore, people who are physically active may be poised for greater success than inactive people. The mental toughness physical activity helps you develop may help in other areas of your life as well.
Be Disciplined
Studies show that successful CEOs are not just good at maximizing their time while at work but are good at doing so during their down time as well. The study found they effectively balanced time with family, time for exercise and leisure time.
You may think you have a natural tendency to think a certain way, but it is possible to change some of your mental habits to resemble those of successful people. Do you have any tips for successful thinking?