Struggling Family-Owned Bakery Taken Aback As Customer Purchases Singular Donut For $1,000
May 13, 2020 by apost team
Many small businesses are struggling due to coronavirus lockdown and restrictions. With significantly less foot traffic than normal, many business owners are concerned, but thankfully some loyal customers are still making efforts to support their favorite small businesses. When an Ohio bakery received a call about a month ago that someone would be paying $1,000 for a single custard donut, the manager was shocked.
The bakery's owner Emilie Smith told Fox News in an interview just how the surprise began. Smith said:
"He called and asked us if he would be able to give us $1,000 for his doughnut. I got choked up. He asked again 'would that be ok?' because there was silence on the line. I choke out, 'yes, of course, it would be ok!' I never expected that."

Smith said she was left speechless. The act of kindness was originally posted to the business's Facebook page.
The Tremont Goodie Shop wrote in the post:
“We are in tears. This is a custard donut for $1,000 to help keep us in business. What a blessing."

According to the bakery's website, they have been a family-owned bakery and dessert destination for over 60 years. Smith also said that the one who paid $1,000 for his quarantine custard donut craving has been a long-time regular. She said this isn't the first time he has donated—including having previously brought pizzas as a gesture—but it is certainly the largest donation.
What do you think of this act of kindness? How are you supporting local businesses right now? Let us know your thoughts and be sure to pass this on so it can brighten someone else's day!