Store Manager Forced Cancer Survivor To Cover Face To Prevent Him From "Scaring Customers"
Oct 18, 2018 by apost team
When Kirby Evans sat down at a picnic table outside of a restaurant, he expected to eat his donuts in peace and leave. Joyfully partaking of a donut was not to be. After a few minutes setting outside of the establishment, a manager pulled him inside.
While inside the manager’s office, Kirby was told to cover his face or leave. Evans was told his face was scaring away customers.
No one would react well to this news, but Kirby Evans is a cancer survivor who lives on a fixed income. The facial scars come from having a carcinoma removed from his face. Surgery to remove the carcinoma left his face sensitive. Because of the sensitivity, he cannot afford an eye patch, and being on a fixed income means he cannot afford the plastic surgery to repair the damage.
Evans’s encounter with the manager at the restaurant might have ended if he had not told his daughter. The daughter posted the story to Facebook where it went viral. People in Evans’s community have banded together to correct the manager’s rudeness.
Evans’s story did not include the restaurant’s name, although residents of his hometown knew which establishment for which the manager worked.
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