Soldier Goes To Pay For Order But Changes His Mind When He Sees Two Hungry-Looking Boys In Restaurant
Nov 05, 2019 by apost team
Everyone knows that members of the military bravely fight for freedom and justice. This is one of the many reasons that people admire military members.
This particular soldier took this service to another level even when he was off duty. According to Today, the man was identified as Army Lt. Col. Risdon.
Risdon was on his way to pick up dinner from a local fast-food restaurant. He had already sat down to eat when two younger boys came into the restaurant.

The boys had not come to order dinner. Instead, the 9-year-old and 13-year-old were selling their homemade desserts to raise money for the local church. Army Lt. Col. Risdon noticed that the two boys looked wet and cold. He asked the two boys if they had eaten dinner yet that night.
The following event was captured on camera by a fellow customer named Jason. He was so influenced by the act of kindness that he posted it on Facebook and urged everyone to share the video. It seems that thousands of people across the country were touched just as Jason had been.
The video currently has close to 40,000 shares, making the video a viral act of kindness.

After Risdon asked the boys about dinner, the said that they had not eaten yet. Risdon told the boys to follow him to the counter. He was going to buy them dinner. The two boys were clearly excited and began to think about what they wanted to order.
After careful deliberation, the boys decided and gave their orders to the clerk. Lt. Col. Risdon paid for the meal, and the boys had their dinner.

Jason reported that he saw the smaller boy salute Risdon and say, "I want to be just like you". After the video went viral, Risdon received a lot of praise from people all over Facebook and on several news outlets.
In an interview with the Huffington Post, Army Lt. Col. Risdon said,
“I’m kinda embarrassed and humbled by the praise and don’t need it".
It is hard not to give praise where praise is due. This humble man not only fights for our country's freedom, he also performs small acts of kindness within our borders.
People like Army Lt. Col. Risdon restore our faith in humanity. Were you inspired by this soldier's act of kindness? Show this article to your friends or family members and spread some good vibes!