Six Pit Bulls Wait For 4-Year-Old To Feed Them & Their Reaction When She Dumps Food On The Floor Stuns Viewers
Jan 31, 2025 by apost team
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Videos featuring animals are a hit online, varying from incredibly hilarious to downright frightening. They get even funnier when they feature children, combining the innocence of childhood with the unpredictability of animals. Rarely do you see videos that feature both, so when you do, it’s no wonder it becomes a viral sensation.
The internet went wild when a video of a 4-year-old feeding six pit bulls was posted on Facebook, instantly gaining traction. Viewers filled the comments section with their thoughts on the absurd scene. What made the clip even more interesting were the reactions of the pit bulls to the little human in charge of their meal. In the video, a young girl stood before the dogs. They listened attentively to the little girl as she thanked them individually before hilariously asking them if they were hungry. She then proceeded to unload a pack of dog food onto the floor, telling them to “stay” before unloading another pack. When she was done, she asked them again:
“Are you guys ready? Are you guys hungry?”
The dogs maintained discipline and didn’t move as she started a countdown. When she announced it was “Okay,” they proceeded to dig in. Despite the limited space around the pile of food, the dogs don’t fight over the food, nor go at each other. They maintained their composure, contrary to the aggressive nature that the pitbull breed has come to be known for. The camera person then took the opportunity to make this a teaching moment about common prejudices against pit bulls.
“Six male pitbulls. People say it can never be done. They live and eat together, they’re a family,” she explained.
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

While the video was meant to show six dogs from a presumably dangerous breed obeying a toddler, it also sparked outrage online, with many arguing that the child’s safety was put at risk during the exercise. Given the aggressive and unpredictable nature of pit bulls, many thought that the guardian had endangered the minor by placing the child in charge of the task.
“So dangerous, one wrong look and this will be a blood bath,” wrote one Facebook user.
Another user on YouTube gently expressed concern over the likelihood of the child getting hurt in such instances, writing:
“I’m not a dog owner so when I watch a video like this I feel oh it’s so lovely but also I get worried about the kid to get hurt, I know these are well raised dogs and they love this girl but still accidents happen.”
The presumably aggressive nature of pit bulls has made the breed one of concern worldwide. They have even been deemed “one of America’s most controversial dog breeds.” However, many dog lovers, especially those with pit bulls, maintain that all this breed seeks is a compassionate and kind human companion and trainer. They also took to social media to react positively to the video.
“Pit bulls are only cruel if the owner makes them that way. It’s all about how they are raised and what environment they grow up in,” one Facebook user asserted.
Another viewer commended the guardian of the child for teaching her how to handle the pit bulls and for their gentleness in the process, writing:
“The owner has not only trained her dogs very well, but has taught her daughter how to handle these gentle giants too!”
Whether or not you are a fan of the breed, it sure is good to see positive interactions between animals and humans, particularly children.
What are your thoughts on this video? Do you feel it is unsafe for young children to be exposed to pit bulls? Let us know your thoughts, and then pass this along to all the animal lovers you know!