Six Phrases That Can Be Worth More Than "I Love You"

Sep 29, 2018 by apost team

There are so many ways to express your love. A classic "I love you" is a common and beautiful confession of love. However, there are other phrases that can make your partner's heart skip a beat. About five months into a relationship, most couples say they love each other. No matter if it's"I love you", "Ich liebe dich" or "Ti amo", these magic words have a place in every romantic movie.

However, reality is somewhat different. The phrases are much more concrete and describe precisely what the other person feels. These are by no means some overused romantic sayings, but they are real and proven. Due to their rarity, they are much more meaningful than the classic "I love you." People don't want to hear day after day just that they are loved; gestures, deeds, or other phrases can prove your love just as well (or better). The following six phrases are so highly valued.

1) I trust you

Nothing says "I love you" more than "I trust you." Only when you trust your partner do you slowly begin to open up. Trust plays a decisive role in any relationship and shows that you are serious. Trust is much harder to earn than the announcement of "I love you."

2) I love you as you are

Every person is different - both in their appearance and in their behavior. At first, everything seems perfect, but as time goes by, those first characteristics can suddenly become annoying or less attractive. It doesn't matter whether they are embarrassing things or a certain habit, it can happen. Every person is unique in his or her own way. There is no greater proof of love than to accept your partner as he or she is.

3) You're the most important thing in my life

Humans need more than just a relationship to be happy. No matter what it is, everyone needs something to distract them from their everyday life. Whether it's a job or school, it should never seem that the partner is being neglected. Those who love their partner from the bottom of their hearts should show it by always putting them first. "You're the most important thing" is a good alternative to prove your love.

4) I respect you

When it comes to respect, people behave rather strangely. Sometimes it seems like everyone but the partner is respected. There are probably a few reasons for this, but whoever respects their partner and can tell them that openly is much further ahead other people. This can take a lot of courage.

5) I forgive you

Sooner or later there will be a dispute in every romantic relationship. Conflicts are a part of every relationship and often bring new momentum and a renewed sense of commitment to the relationship. However, most people find it very difficult to admit their mistakes to their partner. Only those who can forgive the other person can give themselves and their partners a chance to build a stronger relationship with each other. This is a sign of real love.

6) I will always protect you

In general, every person can protect themselves quite well. But saying "I will protect you" triggers a sense of security for their partner. Depending on the circumstances, this can trigger more feelings of closeness and love than just saying "I love you."

"I love you" is still a great way to express your feelings. However, variety can create more excitement and a wider variety of feelings. Since these phrases aren't used every day, they are usually more meaningful and honest. If you love your partner, you should look for alternative ways to tell your partner how much you value the relationship.

Are there any phrases that mean a lot to you? Tell us about it in the comments and show this article to the people you love!