Sick Fox Nursed Back To Health By Warmhearted Man

Jul 07, 2020 by apost team

Many animals are actually meant to be pets, such as cats, dogs, birds, guinea pigs, and hamsters. However, foxes are generally not on the list of animals that can be domesticated. They are wild animals that usually won't come near humans and should generally be left alone in the woods.

However, in a video from 2008, Mike Trowler from Kent, England, is one man who knows how to befriend injured foxes. Not only can he domesticate them, but he also helps them live a long, comfortable life.

The Fox Project is a well-known charity in England. The organization assists injured foxes that are found or brought in. On this particular occasion, the charity found a fox along the road. He was injured and was suffering from toxoplasmosis. The vet at the charity confirmed that the little guy would not survive if he was taken back into the wild.

Mike Trowler was the one to adopt the injured fox. He brought him back to his home and named him Cropper. Cropper slowly but surely became stronger as time went on. He drank and ate from dog food bowls and was even friendly with the cats on the house. Cropper even enjoys belly rubs from humans. What wild fox could you do that too?

Mike and Cropper were very close friends until the little fox passed away six years later. However, Mike definitely gave him a second chance at life that he wouldn't have had otherwise. He would not have survived out in the wild on his own, and the charity was not able to keep him long term. Cropper even had a profound impact on his owner. Mike decided to take in other fox cubs that need help and care before they are released into the wild again. Currently, he is taking care of an adult fox named Jack. 

Not only does Jack enjoy watching television with his human companion, but he will also even endure a warm bath in the kitchen sink. We are so happy Mike is here to help out wild animals in need!

You can watch a video about Jack below: 

What do you think about Mike and his foxy friends? Drop us a line in the comment section, and then pass this on to family and friends. We hope that Jack and Mike both live long, happy lives!