Selfish Neighbor Blocks Woman’s Driveway—‘Tough’ Man Gives Suitable Reply
Apr 09, 2020 by apost team
Neighbors can often help us out in times of need. They're usually handy for a cup of sugar or a night of babysitting if you need a break. But this woman's neighbor went above and beyond to help her on one stressful morning.

Abi Mustafa was just trying to get to work when she realized that someone had parked directly in front of her driveway. The car's owner, of course, was nowhere in site, and Abi didn't know what to do.
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

Enter Hakan Acar - otherwise known as "Tulk" (Turkish Hulk). He walked up to the scene, ready to save the day. Within moments, he had actually PUSHED the car right out of the driveway and into the road! This allowed Abi to get her car out of her driveway without a problem.
Watch the video below to see the Incredible Tulk in action!
What do you think of this kind soul? Let us know in the comments, and show this to your friends and family! Everyone needs to hear an uplifting story like this one every once and a while.