Scientists Reveal What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Green Tea Every Day

Aug 09, 2018 by apost team

The origins of tea extend back to that of China and India. As a result of its prolonged cultivation, it has become the number one ingested drink in the world. The number of consumers reach beyond the hundred million mark. According to various studies, this tea has many benefits related to health. It is an antioxidant that packs great power due to its large concentration of polyphenols.

This powerful antioxidant, green tea, has also proven to have the strength to fight off free radicals that cause cell damage. We will discuss some ways green tea is very beneficial for your health. After reading this article, you may be tempted to get a cup for yourself!

1. Reduced Blood Sugar Levels

Type 2 diabetes can be found in over 400 million people globally. As a result of bad eating habits, minimum exercise and anxiety, the number continues to rise. Green tea is very beneficial in that it has the ability to aid in the reduction of bad choices made concerning daily living and simultaneously lower blood sugar levels.

A study conducted by the Japanese showed that individuals who consumed more green tea were 42 percent less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes.

2. Improvement In Digestive Health

Its anti-inflammatory properties allow it to successfully limit digestive symptoms in relation to inflammation, as a result of ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease and Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

3. Cancer Prevention

With cancer being a by-product of the damage of cells caused by oxidation, green tea’s abundance of antioxidants is beneficial when fighting cancer. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women.

In a green tea analysis, the risk for the development of breast cancer was significantly lowered by 20-30 percent in women actively drinking green tea. Another study done with men drinking green tea highlighted that 48 percent of the men had lowered their risk in developing prostate cancer.

4. Improved Levels Of Cholesterol

Another benefit of the antioxidants present in green tea, is that it stops the intestines from absorbing the cholesterol while preventing the oxidation of LDL particles. High cholesterol results in higher probabilities of having a stroke or heart disease. HDL, the good cholesterol is raised when drinking green tea.

5. Reduced Risk Levels Of Heart Disease

All over the globe, heart disease is a top cause for deaths in individuals. Studies have suggested that the high level of antioxidants present in green tea have a good chance of preventing atherosclerosis or slowing the process down.

Atherosclerosis is the accumulation of cholesterol, fats and other things that may clog the arteries. With studies showing the high benefits of green tea, those at risk for cardiovascular disease development have a 31 percent chance of not developing this ailment. Heart attack risks were lowered by 10 percent.

6. Improved Liver Health

Individuals who drink green tea benefit greatly from its health properties. Those who drink alcohol are able to rejuvenate their liver by eliminating the damage done to the liver. Green tea to will reverse the damages and shield the liver from any possible tumors.

7. Weight Management

Many show admirations for the additional weight loss benefits attributed to drinking green tea. It is known to boost your metabolism and burn extra fat.

Those who are somewhat overweight or obese benefit from the consumption of both green tea and caffeine in that weight loss is increased significantly.

8. Improved Skin Conditions

Green tea contains important antioxidants that can help clear up your skin over time - whether you're struggling with the occasional pimple, severe acne, or other skin disorders like echzema. If you want glowing skin, add green tea to your daily diet.

9. Other Benefits

  • Can calm rashes
  • Can help with arthritis
  • Prevents dental cavities
  • Can boost immune system function

Studies have been conducted all over the world. The results speak to the great health benefits linked to consuming green tea on a daily basis. Have you experienced any of the before mentioned health benefits when drinking green tea? What do you feel is the greatest health benefit?

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!