Science Says Spending More Time With Your Mom Helps Her Live Longer

Jun 28, 2018 by apost team

When was the last time you called your Mom? Has it been far too long since you last saw her? A 2012 study shows that your Mom (or Dad) will live a longer, healthier and more enjoyable life if exposed regularly to more family time.

We understand that everyone gets busy hauling the kids around from soccer games to dance lessons, but could Mom come along? Probably. Including her will keep her stimulated socially, as well as warding off loneliness and depression. These are huge factors in causing the quality of life to decline.

The study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) looked at 1,600 senior citizens, averaging 71 years of age. Of those reporting they live lonely lives, 23% died within the 6-year period. Only 14% of the participants with socially active lives died within the same period of time. 

The study went on to conclude that loneliness is a major factor in older adults' quality of life. It found that those who reported being lonely also displayed signs of depression, cognitive impairment and health issues such as coronary heart disease. Essentially, older adults who are lonely could be heading to an early grave thanks to a broken heart.

Are Social Ties And Health Connected?

Another study was published by the Public Library of Science (PLoS) in 2010. It proved that having an active social life is twice as important to extending life as an obese person losing weight. Another way to think of it is, loneliness is comparable to the death risk of smoking!

“Our social relationships are important not only to our quality of life, but also our longevity,” study author Julianne Holt-Lunstad, PhD, associate professor of psychology at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, reported to WebMD.

“Throughout human history, we have relied on others for survival such as protection and food, and despite modern advancements that may [help with] certain aspects of survival so that we can live more independently, it appears that our relationships nonetheless still impact odds of survival,” she explains.

Spending time with your family or friends is actually a healthy activity for everyone. Laughter among you and those you love leads to increasing blood flow and lowering blood pressure. It improves mental capacity and even boosts immunity.

So get a move on!

Not only does visiting a parent help them, but it can help you too. Not only will you likely be fed amazing home comforts, but the knowledge passed down from generation to generation can prove invaluable. There is a reason most people turn to Mom or Dad in a time of crisis!

But it isn't just Mom and Dad who you should be making an effort to see. Grandparents also benefit vastly from spending time with their grandchildren. Grandparents who take on babysitting duties are less likely to develop Alzheimer's disease, research has shown. Win-win all around, right?

So what has been stopping you from spending more time with your parents or grandparents? If you aren't quite sure what to talk about, why not start a new hobby with them or even a new family tradition? It can be as simple as taking an annual family photo or working on your family tree. Whatever the activity, it will be of benefit to both you and your parents or grandparents!

So, if you haven't spent any time lately with your Mom, give her a call and make plans to see her soon!

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