School Sends 10-Year-Old Boy Back To Class Following Serious Attack From Bully, Ends Up In ER With Brain Bleed

Sep 17, 2018 by apost team

While many schools have a zero-tolerance policy for bullying, this does not actually stop bullying from happening. Some people dismiss bullying as kids being kids, but anyone who has been picked on knows the real emotional and mental damage that it can cause. In some cases, bullies can also cause lasting physical harm as well.

In one recent case, a family suffered one of the worst tragedies imaginable. Holly Lazzaro wanted her son to be happy and have a good life.

Unfortunately, her 10-year-old son, Kaiden, was frequently a target for bullies. He is a student at Horizons Elementary School in Appleton, Wisconsin. While he is in fifth grade now, the bullying originally started when he was in fourth grade.

The Bullies Never Stop

The bullying could have kept going forever, but one traumatic incident changed everything. On December 6, 2017, Kaiden was at his school and enjoying recess. While he was outdoors playing, a bully put his head into a headlock.

The bully slammed Kaiden's body into the ground. When Kaiden got up, his head was clearly injured and bleeding slightly.

To his teacher, it looked like a mild injury. No one had any clue what was happening within his brain.

Three hours later, the school finally got around to calling Holly about her son's injury. She was told about what happened and that her son was fine.

Since the school said that he was okay, Holly waited until the end of the school day to pick him up. As soon as she saw her son, she knew that he needed a doctor right away.

Kaiden Pleads for Help

Sometimes, you can excuse schools for making the wrong choice. There are so many students, so they cannot possibly keep track of how each kid is doing.

In this case, the school should have known that something was wrong. Before the school even called Holly about the injury, Kaiden was already pleading for help.

He begged the school to ask his mom to take him home early. Instead of telling his mother how much pain Kaiden was in, the school told her that he was doing fine.

When Holly picked her son up from school, she immediately knew that something terrible was wrong with him. She rushed him to the emergency room to get examined. It turns out that her instincts were right.

The doctors said that Kaiden had a grade 2 concussion and a grade 1 brain bleed. With that level of injuries, the boy should have never been sent back to class.

The School Fights Back

The school could possibly be forgiven for not letting Kaiden go home. It is hard to excuse their behavior after what they did next.

After her son had been diagnosed and treated, Holly met with the superintendent of the Appleton Area School District.

The superintendent started the meeting by telling her that bullying happens everywhere and cannot be prevented.

To make the situation worse, Superintendent Judy Baseman released a statement that said that Holly was lying. Baseman said that the information on social media was fake and untrue. According to Baseman, the school responded appropriately to the situation.

Hopefully, this case will raise awareness about bullying. Despite the fact that the school district previously said that they could not prevent bullying, the district has now announced that it is taking proactive measures.

With any luck, this experience was a learning experience for the district as well as schools everywhere.

Spread awareness about the dangerous effects of bullying and help prevent another child from being hurt.