School Refused To Take 8-Year-Old Girl's Picture Because Her Hair Is Dyed Red - Girl Left In Tears
Oct 25, 2019 by apost team
Scott, who attends a Michigan charter school in Jackson County, was thrilled to sport her red extensions on October 3. Her enthusiasm turned to sadness when she was reportedly excluded from picture day because the hairstyle broke the school dress requirements.

Marian requested the fun colored extensions for quite some time until her mom, Latoya Howard ultimately gave in. When interviewed by Today Parents Howard told them her daughter was happy when she consented to let her wear the colorful hairstyle for this year's picture day.

The little girl's happiness swiftly faded when she reached the school and was met with disappointment. An administrator took Marian aside and informed her that she was not going to get her picture taken, telling her the student handbook said hair must be a natural color.
Marian was forced to stay in the corridor while her peers took their school pictures. According to People, Marian was left in tears after being barred from having her photo taken.

Talking with WILX, her father, Doug Scott, stated that he and his wife were not informed regarding what had occurred at the school.
Her parents wondered why the school did not call them so they could either pick her up or make the recommended changes to her hair. They also feel that it would have been better for the school to confront them instead of talking with their 8-year-old child about the hair issue.

They were the decision making adults in the situation. School administrators insisted they told parents about the school dress code issue using an automated call prior to picture day. The Principal, Ben Kriesch, revealed that pupils who have broken the policy have a week to fix them. The spokesperson for the school made a statement to Today Parents saying that the school made it a priority to inform the families about school policy. Doug Scott, however, said that he never received the information.
Marian went back to school with natural colored hair. Her parents are hoping that she can partake in photo retakes on November 12.
Do you believe the school handled this situation correctly? How many of you would have loved to wear colorful hair to school? Let us know in the comments and be sure to pass this article along to others to hear what they think.