Say Goodbye To Headaches, Insomnia, Back Ache and Lung Problems By Doing These 7 Exercises
Oct 04, 2018 by apost team
Yoga has been used for thousands of years for better health. While monks originally started doing yoga to improve their focus during meditation, they quickly realized that it improved their overall health as well. Now, these poses are used to alleviate back pain and headaches. Doing these yoga poses can help improve long issues and prevent insomnia. By doing these poses on a regular basis, you can improve your overall health.
1. Plow Pose
Plow pose is known as Halasana. This pose helps to strengthen your back and make your spine more flexible. When you do this pose, it works to stretch all of your body. Your mind instantly relaxes, which makes it a great choice before bedtime.
Start on your back with your arms next to your stomach. Inhale as you bring your feet straight up into the air. To do this pose right, you need to make sure that your hips support your legs comfortably. Otherwise, it could strain your lower back.
Bring your legs up until they cast a shadow above your head. Now, gradually bring your legs so that they are on the ground above your head. Keep your tailbone and thighs up. Your chin should be resting on your chest.
2. Wheel Pose
In yoga, this pose is known as Urdhva Dharnurasana. It helps to boost your attitude and mental outlook. At the same time, it improves your blood circulation and breath. It stretches out the abdomen, spine and neck.
Start by lying down on your back. Place your feet on the ground and your palms next to your ears. Your toes should be pointing forward. Now, bring your hips and chest upward into the air. Your palms and feet should remain on the ground. Round out your spine to make a bridge-like shape. Hold for 30 seconds before lowering yourself back to the ground.
3. Folds
Folds are a wonderful way to get your mind ready for bed. They help to strengthen your mind and remove stressful thoughts. Plus, they boost the blood flow to your brain.
Start by standing straight. Your feet should be lined up with your shoulders. Inhale deeply and stretch upward. As you exhale, relax the muscles of your spine, neck and back. Bend down as you exhale. Your spine should be long and straight. Keep your shoulders and neck relaxed as your body weight stretches each muscle in your back.
Hold the fold for three or four breaths. Then, return to a standing position as you straighten out your spine again.
4. Dolphin Pose
This is an exceptionally calming, relaxing pose. It helps you to relax your spine and strengthen your core muscles.
Get on your hands and knees on the ground. Place your knees right below your hips. Put your forearms on the ground with your shoulders lined up over your wrists. As you exhale, bring your knees off of the ground.
Keep your knees slightly bent and your heels off the ground at first. Keep your head placed between your upper arms. You can straighten your knees as long as you can do so without bending your upper back.
5. Half-Cobra Grasshopper
This yoga pose is a fairly recent invention by Cassey Ho. It helps to deeply stretch your abdomen, spine, core and thighs. It also opens up your lungs and allows you to breathe deeply.
Start in cobra pose with your feet behind your body. Now, bring your upper body down as you lift up your feet. Keep your feet connected to each other. Straighten your arms to push yourself up as you lower your feet.
6. Legs-up-the-Wall Pose
In Sanskrit, this pose is called Viparita Karani. It is an extremely calming pose that helps to lower your heart rate. This pose boosts your inner stability and refreshes you before a peaceful night's rest.
Begin on your back with your hips turned toward a wall. Then, place your feet on the wall for support. You can leave your legs parallel to the wall or raise your pelvis up during the stretch.
7. Core Stretching
When you do poses to stretch your back, it is also important to maintain your body's balance by stretching your core as well. This pose can help alleviate headaches and improve your breathing. It is a great pose for your lungs.
Start on your stomach. Stretch your feet behind your body. Then, push into your shoulders as you straighten out your arms. Lift your upper body off of the floor. The backs of your feet and the palms of your hands should be your only connection to the ground.
If these poses helped you achieve a state of total relaxation, let us know about it! Tell your friends about this easy way to sleep better at night.
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