Sara McLachlan And P!nk Sing 'In The Arms Of The Angel' For Breathtaking Performance
Sep 10, 2020 by apost team
Back in 2010, singer P!nk sang Angel with the Sarah McLachlan herself.
One of the most emotionally stirring songs of modern times is Sarah McLachlan’s Angel. Through her soulful, heart-wrenching vocals, she has moved many listeners and fans to tears on her own. When she meets up with another musical powerhouse on stage, the audience goes crazy.
Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

Angel is a hit from the late 1990s that stayed on the Billboard Top 100 list for dozens of weeks, and it continues to be a memorable song that brings to mind significant loss to all who hear it.
It was originally written by Sarah McLachlan as a tribute to the Smashing Pumpkins keyboard player who died of a drug overdose, as shared by ABC News. Because this is a very popular and emotional song about loss, it is commonly played at funerals and memorial services.

McLachlan recently performed this song on stage for her fans as she normally did. She was seated at a piano, and the lights in the theater were dimmed. Only a beam of light shone down on the singer and the piano.
Because of this and because the audience was so intently focused on the touching lyrics of Angel, nobody noticed another musical artist walking slowly across the stage. As the second artist approached the single beam of light shining down on the stage, the audience realized that P!nk was present.
They went wild as she began singing a duet with McLachlan.

Both of these musicians are well-known for their powerful voices as well as their intense control, emotion and range. Their voices were perfectly paired to bring even more emotion to an already dramatic song. As the two musicians sang the final notes, there were many teary eyes in the audience.
Does this song bring someone special to mind? Leave a few comments about your own experiences. Also, make sure that your friends and family also get to enjoy this incredible performance!