Sandra Bullock Has Quietly Been Donating Millions To Disaster Relief And No One Even Noticed

Dec 30, 2018 by apost team

Sandra Bullock turned more than just a few heads a month ago when the Hollywood star donated half a million dollars to Charity.

The Humane Society received $100,000 of the money given by Bullock and $400,000 was given to the Red Cross to benefit victims of the California wildfires.

Bullock released a message explaining her thoughts and feelings along with the donation. In the statement, she explained that the devastation experienced in the state of California both broke her heart and instigated her to action.

Those that know Sandra best will tell you that she has given to many causes over the years. The following is a list of charitable moments in the life of Bullock and the year in which she spread her goodwill.

The Twin Tower Attacks In 2011

The terrorist attacks of September 2011 devastated countless families and broke the hearts of many Americans. The attacks targeted the Twin Towers buildings in New York City and the Pentagon in Washington D.C.

Once the full scope of the devastation was tallied, nearly 3,000 Americans lie dead and another 6,000 were wounded. Bullock joined other celebrities in efforts to raise money to fund the cleanup and recovery.

A telethon Bullock took part in secured $150 million in donations. She also donated a million dollars of her own money.

The 2004 Tsunami Disaster in Indonesia

An earthquake occurring in the Indian Ocean caused a series of Tsunamis to hit the coastal locations in a number of surrounding islands. The water was as high as one hundred feet in some instances and more than a quarter of a million people lost their lives. Approximately 200,000 of these deaths took place in the country of Indonesia. Lives were also lost in 13 other nations.

Three billion Swiss Franks were raised worldwide to help victims of the Tsunami. Bullock donated a million dollars to the efforts.

Hurricane Katrina in 2005

The category five hurricane that devastated the gulf coast in 2005 caused destruction from East Texas to Central Florida. The death toll is unknown but estimates suggest that about 2000 Americans lost their lives in the natural disaster.

The Red Cross responded to the tragedy with their largest effort to date. The Red Cross delivered more than 68 million meals and provided more than one million families with disaster relief funds. Bullock once again donated a million dollars of her own money to help victims of Hurricane Katrina.

2010 Earthquake In Haiti

The country of Haiti was devastated by a major earthquake in January of 2010. The Haitian government estimated the death toll at 300,000. Additionally, hundreds of thousands of individuals simply had nowhere to go after the earthquake. Sandra Bullock gave one million dollars to Doctors Without Borders after hearing of the tragedy in Haiti.

2011 Earthquake And Tsunami In Japan

A magnitude nine earthquake struck at the Pacific Coast town of Tohuku on March 11, 2011. The earthquake is known in Japan as the Great East Japan Earthquake. The earthquake was the fourth strongest ever recorded. The confirmed deaths were over 15,000 and 2,500 people were never found. The star of the hit movie Blindside donated one million dollars to benefit the victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Warren Eason High School 2012

Warren Eason was the oldest charter school in New Orleans before the Hurricane Katrina disaster. The hurricane caused more than four million dollars worth of damage to the school. Bullock donated $25,000 to efforts to rebuild the school in 2005. She officially 'adopted' Warren Eason High School in 2007. Bullock aided the school in developing a health clinic on campus in 2010. Her efforts also helped to push the school's graduation rate to one hundred percent in 2011.

Art + Practice Foundation

The Art + Practice Foundation was formed by the joint efforts of philanthropist Eileen Norton, activist Mark Bradford, and Allen DiCastro. The organization is headquartered in Los Angeles and provides the local community with access to contemporary art at no charge. The foundation also supports foster children in the area.

Bullock was the first person to wear a custom-made shoe designed by Rupert Sanderson in 2015. Later, the actress placed ten pairs of the shoe up for auction and donated one hundred percent of the proceeds to the Art + Practice Foundation.

Svend Peterson 2017

Svend Peterson was pool manager working in Beverly Hills for most of his life. The retired pool manager found himself on hard times recently and was forced to live from his car at the age of 86. A friend of the man once known as the Cabana King started a GoFundMe page to aid Peterson.

Many people in the Los Angeles area pledged their support to Peterson. One of these kind souls was Sandra Bullock. She donated $5,000 to help Peterson in his time of need.

Did you have any idea of the long history of charitable undertakings by Sandra Bullock? Are you impressed with her generosity? Send this article to your friends. Everyone needs to be reminded from time to time that there are still truly good people in the world.