Rescue Agencies Refused To Save Dead-Looking Dog Without Donations - Then Two Angels Step In
Jun 03, 2019 by apost team
Recently, some neighborhood teens were playing ball when they discovered a neglected and filthy dog hiding behind behind a pile of abandoned old TVs. It was all caught in a Hope for Paws video.

These good kids wanted to help the dog before it was too late to save him; so they began calling around to the different rescue organizations. However, all the rescue organizations said they were either full, or they would euthanize the dog!
Some of these “rescue” organizations said they would not help the poor little dog without the children giving them a large cash donation, the kids said in the video.
Searching for Help

With no “rescue” organization willing to help the poor, abandoned dog, the kids began to lose hope. Fortunately, Hope for Paws finally answered the children's cry for help. They immediately responded with two of the volunteers racing to the neighborhood to locate the dog who so desperately needed help.
However, when the rescuers arrived, the frightened dog panicked. It was obvious he was expecting to be abused. But their kindness eventually calmed the terrified little dog. He was so appreciative of their kindness, it was apparent he hadn’t been loved for a long time.
Discovering the Dog Under the Dirt

The rescuers promised the kids that they would update them on the dog's recovery. They also promised the kids that they would never euthanize the poor pooch. They named the dog Nobu on the drive to the veterinarian. Nobu already was feeling safe and loved.
Once they arrived at the vet, hours were spent removing hundreds of ticks from Nobu’s matted fur. Nobu was very patient as the staff as they did this, he knew they were helping. Nobu had his nails trimmed, his matted fur cut off, and finally a bath. The matted pile of dirty fur was finally looking like a real dog again. In fact, beneath all the dirt, was a friendly, lively little poodle just waiting to be loved.
Getting A Second Chance

Nobu was a completely different dog in just a few days. He gave his rescuers lots of affectionate doggie kisses, and his happy tail wouldn’t stop wagging. Nobu even made friends with the other dogs.
Smooch Pooch, a rescue group, found Nobu a loving family with other dogs to play with. But none of this would have happened without Hope for Paws, the only ones answering the neighborhood kids call for help.
Watch the rescue in the video below:
We were so heart warmed by this story. It's so sad that Nobu had such a terrible situation but amazing that it turned around. Why don't you let somebody know this story that might need some inspiration in their life?