Repeat These 12 Phrases To Fight Back Against Depression

Jul 17, 2018 by apost team

Whether you call them mantras, prayers, chants, affirmations or something else, people have repeated phrases to themselves to calm a troubled mind throughout human history. These days, there are drugs such as Prozac that can help treat depression, but you may also find comfort and strength in the 12 phrases below.

I am a strong person.

People with depression are not weak. In fact, they display strength in having the self-awareness to know when it is time to ask for help. It does not mean that you are dependent but that you are ready to make a change.

This will not last.

It is important for people struggling with depression to remind themselves they will get better. Depression tells people the opposite, so even when it doesn't feel like things will improve, this helps people remember they will.

I can feel my breathing. Wiklik

Focusing on breathing in and out while repeating this phrase can help bring your mind and body in alignment with one another. This technique is recommended by Thich Nhat Hanh, a Buddhist monk.

Let go.

You do not have to hold onto the anxiety that is plaguing you. These words remind you to let go of it.

I am not afraid.

The Bible contains many variations on phrases that tell people not to feel fear. You don't have to be religious to take comfort in the idea that you may not be able to stem your fear entirely, but at least you can control it.

I am not in danger.

Sometimes, depression can make people feel as though they are actually endangered in some way. Like "I am not afraid," repeating this can help people realize that it is their mind and nothing else telling them there is danger.

I am at peace.

This is a chant used by Tibetan monks. You can also use it even if you aren't feeling it when you first begin chanting it. You may feel relaxation flowing through your body as you repeat it.

I can be happy and free through what I say, do and think.

This phrase reminds you that remaining positive and thinking of others can help you get into balance with the world around you. This phrase originates with Jivamukti Yoga, which is one spiritual path toward becoming enlightened.

I will learn to understand my pain.

This phrase reminds that you can learn from your pain in a way that people who have never experienced it cannot. You may not understand it now, but at some time in the future you will, and this can help build a sense of resilience.

I must feel compassion for myself.

While it is necessary to face your suffering, you should do so with kindness to yourself. Acknowledging that suffering can give you the determination you need to rise above it.

I need to go slowly.

Depression can make you feel as though your life is careening out of control. However, by reminding yourself to take things one day at a time, you can start to regain that control and look ahead to anticipate a better future.

I trust what is happening.

One of the hardest things about dealing with depression is understanding why these things are happening to you. It can seem unfair, but you can cope by remembering that this is a challenge and an opportunity to learn.

Depression can be overwhelming. However, your mind is not entirely out of your control. With the phrases above, you can center yourself. Comment below with some of the positive things you tell yourself when you are trying to cope with depression.

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