Prison In Indiana Takes In Shelter Cats And They Change Inmates Lives

Sep 02, 2019 by apost team

The concept of helping to alleviate depression and anxiety through interactions with beloved pets has merit. There's a reason why medical-related rehab centers add pet therapy to their programs. And the pets get something out of everything, too. Pets embrace people's love. We see this when cats and dogs react affectionately with their owners. Pets, especially cats, make great companions. In Indiana, unwanted cats help provide much-needed companionship to the incarcerated.

The inmates deal with loneliness and other stressors of prison life. The arrival of the cats does wonders for the prisoners' moods. The cats bring joy and purpose with them. Inmates spend time caring for the cats, which cuts down on idleness and boredom. The inmates responded in an overwhelmingly positive manner to the arrival of the four-legged friends reports The Huffington Post.

The cats sent to the prison receive a reprieve from their fate. The cats live in a local shelter. Sadly, cats that aren't adopted may be put to sleep. The special program, known as the MCKC Program (Monroe Corrections Kitten and Cat Connections), allows inmates to care for the cats. Some inmates even keep cats in their cells.

The prisoners caring for the cats gain something beyond feeling good. Specific skills are necessary for maintaining the felines' health and welfare. The skills gained from caring for cats can translate into other areas of life. Inmates seeking employment after leaving prison may find these skills invaluable.

Inmates are automatically allowed to participate in the MCKC Program. They must meet specific qualifications that include displaying good behavior. The many inmates wishing to join the program do their best to meet the requirements, which has had a positive effect on prison life.

The inmates, prison staff, and former shelter cats all seem to benefit from the program. Hopefully, the program will expand and grow to include other correctional facilities around the United States.

The story about the Indiana inmates and their new feline friends is both inspirational and heartwarming. Anyone who hears about the program will be moved by it. Tell your friends about the great thing going on in the Indiana prison. You'll bring a tear to their eyes.