Pregnant Teen Worries About Boyfriend Abandoning Her But His Reply Is Bringing Everyone To Tears
Jun 14, 2018 by apost team
Even for established adults with jobs and an education, being a parent is difficult work. However, it is much much harder when the parents haven't even graduated from high school. From having money to support the baby, to always being busy with school or working, or missing things like prom or graduation parties, being a teenage parent seems almost impossible.
But some teenagers step up to the plate and take responsibility to give their child the best life.
Teenager Caitlin Fladager found out she was pregnant with a baby from her then high school sweetheart, Noah. Caitlin's parents told her Noah would surely abandon her and the baby to get away from the responsibility, and she grew frustrated.
She eventually confronted him and asked if he'd leave her and the baby, and his response is guaranteed to melt your heart.
Their daughter Arianna was born and Noah not only stayed, but was incredibly helpful and supportive during everything. Noah made their relationship official soon after and proposed to Caitlin.
While their relationship looks like a fairy tale, especially from the perspective of Caitlin's many social media followers, their relationship still isn't perfect. Caitlin suffers from anxiety, which fueled her fears of becoming a single mother.
After marriage, the couple welcomed another member of the family: a baby boy they named Jack.
They work to be the best for their children, and Noah even takes Arianna out on monthly "dates" where she can pick out a dress, he'll give her a bouquet of flowers, and take her out for dinner.
Despite the couple getting pregnant at a young age, they managed to make it work and are now thriving with their two children. It goes to show that not every young couple with an accidental pregnancy is destined to end up with a single mother and absentee dad. Don't judge without knowing someone's situation!
If you enjoyed the beautiful story of these two lovebirds, pass it on to your friends and family to make someone smile today!