Pregnant Daughter Brings Ultrasound Appointment To Dying Mom's Bedside

May 26, 2019 by apost team

Many pregnant women and their partners are excited to find out the sex of their baby. Some want to know as soon as they possibly can, while others wait and let it be a complete surprise when the baby is actually born.

No matter what a mother chooses when it comes to revealing the sex of her baby, we do know that it is one experience that will never be forgotten. There are plenty of ways now for families to find out about the gender of a baby. Gender reveal parties are all the rage in states across the country.

However, this particular story doesn’t talk about the normal situation in which a parent learns the gender of her baby. This story has no pink and blue balloons or special cupcakes that reveal pink or blue filling when eaten.

This is a bittersweet gender reveal that is touching the lives of everyone who hears about it. In this particular case, a mother decided to reveal the birth of her baby to her mom, who was dying of stage IV lung and brain cancer.

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According to CBS Denver, Taylor Masilotti quickly asked for an earlier ultrasound scan when she noticed her mother, Donna Callender, becoming weaker and weaker while she was in the hospital.

“I just looked at her and everything kind of flashed,” Masilotti told reporters. “It hit me more that she wouldn’t be there.”

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Unfortunately, her condition did not allow her to leave her hospital bed and go to the appointment with her daughter. So her daughter did the next best thing: she brought the appointment to her.

As they lay next to one another in the hospital bed, they held hands as they were getting ready to hear the big news. Cotey Keith, Masilotti’s boyfriend, recorded the tender moment.

“She reached over and she patted my cheek, which is something that she has always done,” said Masilotti. “At that moment is when I kind of knew she was still fighting, but ready to go as well.”

He knew that his girlfriend would want to remember it for years to come. As they lay next to one another, the ultrasound tech explained what was happening. They saw all different parts of the body on the baby, such as fingers and toes. Then the tech asked if they were ready.

They were. They then learned that a little girl was on the way. You can watch the bittersweet moment for yourself from the video below. Try not to cry!

What did you think of this amazing video? Did it touch your heart? Let us know in the comments and then pass this along to others to make them smile at the sight of this heartfelt moment!