Pre-Schooler Goes Full Blast At Graduation Performance And The Audience Cannot Hold It Together
Jul 19, 2020 by apost team
Five-year-old Lily stole the show with her hilarious dance moves at a preschool graduation ceremony at the Lebanon Presbyterian Church in Ohio in May 2019. The little girl's grandmother, Martina Blair, filmed her boogieing to the popular kid's song Tooty Ta during a class performance.
There's an old adage that children perform the funniest and most spontaneous things. There are a lot of reasons why these little versions of humans are so humorous to us. They can be innocent, sweet, adorable, brutally honest, and best of all, random!

The video, which will have you grinning from ear-to-ear, features a little girl named Lily. Growing bored of the adults droning on and on, Lily decides that it's time to liven things up a bit and begins an adorable shuffle. Lily’s flowery-blue dress moves along with her, and her matching navy blue shoes accent the preschooler’s dance moves with eye-catching laces.
As she’s standing near the end of the stage and close to the front, Lily was inadvertently given the perfect area for an impromptu stage performance! At a tender young age of only five years old then, Lily is simply a natural-born performance artist. However, she was actually turning six shortly after the preschool graduation was complete; she was only five when she cracked up the crowd with her stellar moves!

Most of her classmates were frozen in place while on the stage, nervous to be in front of so many people and all of their parents in attendance. Even the little girl to her left, holding a stuffed toy, blushed in embarrassment and covered her face. The poor little girl relied on her imaginary friend to shield her from the imposed anxieties given the crowd.
Thankfully, she had her fellow graduate and classmate Lily to liven things up a little bit and he's the mood! Lily's grandmother was the one who caught the video on film, and even she wasn't immune to uproarious laughter in the hilarity of the moment. The class speaks together to the crowd, some students clearly more nervous than others, but when Lily finishes her part, she takes a bow what the sides of her dress lifted slightly as though a professional performer finishing an act.

A song begins to play over pre-prepared loudspeakers; it's a well-known children's tune called Tooty Ta. Well-known through her school, Tooty Ta was normally performed during music classes.
Although the kids usually had no issues performing the songs in front of the musical instructors, stage-fright was easily winning the day for the majority of the preschoolers. Little Lily on the other hand simply couldn't resist taking advantage of what she always dreamed of: performing on stage for her family and an audience!

The best part of the video comes towards the end when Lillian enacts a dramatic climax. She follows all of the directions of her teachers to put on a show, but then she goes even more overboard than throughout the entire performance combined! Lily pictures forward as far as she can manage while somehow still managing to keep bouncing up and down and singing the song!
She looks like a regular pure pirouetting pistol of pure musical energy, and all of that energy is transferred directly to the audience intern. After the video was posted on social media, it spread like absolute wildfire. Once little Lily grows up, she'll be able to look back at all of the joy and smiles as she brought the entire world with her hilarious performances.
Have you or your friends ever given a performance as Lily has on stage? Or were you more prone to stage fright? Let us know your thoughts and experiences in the comments and be sure to pass this along to your loved ones.