Police Officer Shows Off His Smooth Moves While Doing Dance Challenge

Jan 03, 2020 by apost team

Blanco Brown, aka Bennie Julie Amey III, started a cultural phenomenon with his hit single "The Git Up." Across the country and throughout the world people like you have flocked to the internet as part of the "Git Up Challenge," which has gotten people all over the world to show off dance moves to the hit single. Officer White mastered the challenge with his own smooth dance moves. 

It's not just the catchy tune with a mix of country and hip hop that has gained so much attention. Viral videos have shown all kinds of people from all walks of life taking part in the challenge. This police officer just might have set the standard!

In an age where police officers are sometimes characterized as cold and mean, this officer shows you and everyone else that police officers do indeed have a sense of humor! And based on this video, they sometimes have an ability to break it down and dance. 


Officer White exits his police cruiser to the sound of Blanco's "The Git Up." From the moment he steps out, until the end of the video, White crisscrosses the parking lot with his impressive dance moves. He does this in full uniform, and he obviously enjoys every second of it. 

Social media users and fans of the challenge flooded the video with comments. Some video commentators even remarked how they would love to be pulled over by Officer White to enjoy performing the challenge together. His video that has gained more than 300,000 views on YouTube,

What do you think about the video? What do you think about Officer White? Let your family and friends know how awesome this video is. Be sure to send the video to your family and friends, too.