Police Install Brilliant 'Stations' Around Town For Stray Dogs And They Deserve Our Applause
May 22, 2019 by apost team
Dogs are often looked upon as the best friend a man can have. However, all too often this friendship is not reciprocated and many dogs across the globe are abandoned and neglected.

Dogs are often neglected once an owner learns he or she is not prepared to give the dog the attention or time it requires. Life on the street for a dog can be harsh when the animal is left alone to fend for itself. Animals are at grave risk when not properly taken care of. The problem is amplified because they are not capable of communicating their needs to people. The simple tasks of finding adequate food and water can become serious challenges for abandoned dogs.


A sad fact is there are people so evil they will put out poisoned food or seek to harm stray dogs in other ways. There have been instances where humans have placed glass shards in food given to dogs. These shards do a considerable amount of damage to the insides of the dog.
Once police headquarters in Tacna, Peru took direct action against this horror being perpetrated against dogs.
The department designed a manner to deal with the problem of animal abuse in the town. Police officers in the town set up food and water stations for the dogs in an effort to prevent harm coming to the dogs as they searched for food and water. The food and water stations are located in close proximity to the police station.

Tacna is an active city with both humans and animals on the street in constant motion. The food stations are shaped like long tubes and are actually attached to the police station. This set up gives the most benefit to the dogs while obstructing streets and walkways as little as possible. The tubes dispense food and water in a way that reminds one of a vending machine. Dogs are able to smell the food and approach the station whenever thirsty and hungry.
They can do so without fear of being harmed. The feeding stations were introduced a little over a year ago. The effect of the stations have been so positive many believe they should be introduced worldwide. This would provide nourishment to a countless number of dogs while allowing them to avoid mistreatment.
What did you think about the incredible action taken by police officers in Tacna, Peru? Send this article to friends. It is important to spread awareness for the program these police officers developed for dogs - maybe we can get them implemented in our own countries, too!