Police Crash Woman's 100th Birthday Party To 'Arrest' Her As Part Of Her Bucket List

Aug 30, 2022 by apost team

Birthdays are a time when dreams come true and presents are abound. For one Australian woman who hit her milestone 100th birthday, her wish truly did come true – and she had the handcuffs to prove it.

Ex-army nurse Jean Bicketon, who once cared for the sick and wounded in World War II, had lived all her life on the straight and narrow, never once having fallen afoul of the law. 

“I’ve never been drunk and I’ve never been arrested, never lost my driving license and never had an infringement,” Bicketon told Daily Mail Australia

As she neared her 100th birthday, she made it known that one of the tasks left she had to cross off her bucket list was getting arrested. And the Victoria Police were more than happy to make the centenarian’s dream come true.

Bicketon was enjoying her birthday party at the Narracan Gardens Residential Aged Care home when the celebrations were interrupted by the blazing lights and sounds of a police siren. Moments later, three uniformed police officers marched into the hall and proceeded to detain Bicketon. The birthday girl was duly handcuffed and put under “arrest.” She was then wheeled out of the facility to a waiting patrol car outside.

Pictures of the mock arrest showed officers taking the suspect into custody and carefully placing handcuffs on Bicketon, dressed in pink birthday regalia topped with pearls and a gold tiara.

The beaming Bicketon told the outlet she was “surprised” that the handcuffs “were quite soft,” adding, “they were too big for me anyway.”

Bicketon expressed delight at having a lifelong dream fulfilled and thanked the Victoria Police for its role in making it happen. The department said it was more than happy to have served such an excellent member of the community.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-)

In a Facebook post uploaded on Aug. 21, 2022, the Victoria Police said it was thrilled to help fulfill one of Bicketon’s dreams.

“Now these kinda arrests, we’re happy to make,” the post read. “For many, getting through life without being arrested is a pretty good run. An obvious one we would like to think. But for former nurse Jean Bicketon – who recently celebrated her 100th birthday, a good run in and of itself – getting arrested was on her bucket list. So when we heard of Jean’s wishes, our team at Moe station were ready to step in and help check it off.”

It added playfully that Bicketon did not "resist" arrest.

“While celebrating her milestone at Narracan Gardens Residential Aged Care, three young constables whirled in, lights and sirens, to make sure Jean’s birthday wishes were granted.

“Quickly briefing the residents of the event (to assure no one was in trouble), officers gently placed handcuffs on Ms. Bicketon declaring her ‘officially’ under arrest. She did not resist,” the post continued.

Readers were touched by the Victoria Police’s gesture, taking to the comments to voice their glee.

“Goodness, such a beautiful act of compassion, so very proud of our Vic Police, you are always doing such kind things thank you,” one user wrote.

“You know what, SHE made those officers’ day! Thank you for caring for these young members who work so hard. She obviously knows what she’s doing in life,” another comment read.

“What a really lovely thing to do for a wonderful woman and her amazing milestone! Well done Moe,” a third user wrote.

While we’re happy to see one of Bicketon’s dreams come true, we hope there are no more run-ins with the law in the future!


Happy 100th to Jean Bicketon! What do you think of her wish to get arrested? Did the Victoria Police’s gesture warm your heart too? Let us know, and pass this on to friends and family who would enjoy this.

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