Plumber Attempts To Scam Elderly Woman Until She Removes Her Wig And Says She’s Undercover
Jan 15, 2019 by apost team
Not everybody agrees with a plumber's bill nor how much the plumber charges. Consumer disagreements are common even when the professional does a good job. Some plumbers, however, do worse than a poor job. They outright try to scam their customers. One plumber attempted to pull a fast one and ran into an unexpected stop sign. This crazy tale was so wild that it made the news.

Elderly folks in Johnson City, Tennessee weren't too thrilled with the actions of a local plumber. One woman found herself in tremendous debt paying the plumber for repairs. Allegedly, the plumber charged her for work she didn't need.
The woman took out a credit card and home equity cash advances to cover the bills. The final amount totaled in the thousands. Collectively, the elderly group claims they were duped out of $100,000.

The senior citizens turned to an unlikely source for help. A reporter showed up at the plumber's home after he did not show up after being called for a job. The reporter didn't arrive in the expected way.
A call to a Hollywood makeup artist turned the young woman reporter into an elderly lady. The disguise plus a walker and an unexpected visit to the plumber's home added up to a shock. The reporter pulled off her wig and mask to reveal the media chose to report on the situation.
Once again, the customer's claims have not been proven in a court of law. The story still is quite a unique one.
The story also shows how the news can help the average person or persons in need. That info alone makes people feel good. Let others discover news reporters out there may be on their side. Let them know about this wild story.